Monday, June 9, 2014

JPC - June 9 and a BIG BONUS

June 9 - Lawn

You can't tell very well by this picture, but as I type this, we are getting another glorious rain here in San Antonio!  This is my front lawn soaking it all in.  Lightning is crashing and thunder is booming.  Oh, how I love a thunderstorm!  Send a few tornado warnings and I'm even more excited (a little secret about me -- I'd love to chase tornadoes!).

Texas always needs the rain.  We've been in a drought for years.  Lakes are dried up.  Lawns get burned out and brown (we have many brown spots).  Water bills rise as we get charged more and more for water.

It doesn't come often, but when it rains, it pours here in Texas and we'll take it!

Glorious rain!

PS…  This is totally off track from the June Photo Challenge, but my best friend is over in China RIGHT NOW and has her daughter in her arms!  She has fought so hard for this little one who was relinquished by birth parents and then rejected by a first set of "prospective adoptive parents."  After that disruption, that rejection, this child was labeled "unadoptable" and nearly lost the chance at the love of a family.  

But Hilary fought the system for this girl so that she would not be lost forever!

This sweet little girl is now safe in her forever mama's arms!


Thanks to all of you who helped raise funds to bring her home.  

Great is your reward for caring for the fatherless!

Now, PLEASE PRAY for this child as she grieves the loss of her old world.  The grief is awful, exhausting, tearful, fearful, excruciating.  But it is necessary as she leaves her past and clings to her future, even though to this sweet 3 year old, the future is scary!

Please, please, please pray!

My BEAUTIFUL friend Hilary and her GORGEOUS new daughter H.
Congratulations on your new daughter!