Thursday, June 5, 2014

JPC - June 5

June 5 - ???

According to my friend Sheri who started this Photo Challenge, today is supposed to be a picture of VBS.  Our church doesn't do VBS.  We do Backyard Bible Clubs and those aren't happening until later and I'm not sure if my kids will even attend.  We can't host one because our pool eats up most of our backyard, so there is no room for lots of kids to run around safely out back.

So, what to take a picture of today?


I'm totally not feeling creative today, so I turned to our trusted pal, Google.  Enter:  "June Photo Challenge" and lots of results come up, surprisingly (seriously, why did that surprise me?).  All I had to do was choose one.  So I scrolled, I browsed and I chose.......


This is taken from my back door and that's my giant Live Oak tree and my backyard neighbor's house.  I woke up to dark clouds this morning!  A little cloud cover from the hot Texas sun is more than welcome!  And rain?  We'd love it to rain, yet it's not in the forecast today.  Winds are light today, from the south at about 10mph.  Humidity is high right now at 83%.  Temp will be a high of 94 according to The Weather Channel.

What's the weather like where you are today?