Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ornament #24

Since tomorrow is Christmas Day, I'm reserving that day for my family and I'm choosing to end the Christmas Ornament Story Challenge today.

And I saved the best for last.

This one, lone ornament is the reason why I wanted to start this challenge, because it has a GREAT story!

Can you see what this is?  It's a glitter painted, wooden clothespin, with curling ribbon and clipped to the bottom is money, real money, a $10 bill.

Back when Jay and I were dating and I was still working in youth ministry at Willow Creek, Jay volunteered his Saturday mornings as a coach for one of our junior high teams.  The adult leaders on the team did a gift exchange for Christmas that year.  Someone asked Jay what he wanted and he said, "Money.  I'm saving up to buy a ring.  I need money."

That year, his secret Santa gave him this $10.  We have never, ever spent it, and we never will.  It is too priceless.  My kids know the story, but I want this around for my grandkids to see it.

Of course, from my husband's financial advisor background, we've been stupid not to save it elsewhere rather than a box!  After all, invested and left invested, we could see this $10 become more over the years.  But I won't do it.  It's too cute, too funny, it's the best ornament on our tree.

It tells our story.

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!  Praying that all my readers know the love of Jesus this holiday season.