Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ornament #13

Tonight is Jay's big Regional Christmas Party for work.  It should be nice as always, albeit a bit awkward since I don't know these people very well.  I hope your holiday parties have been fun and enjoyable!

Today's ornament is for my old dog, Kodi (short for Kodak), the first American Eskimo dog of my very own (we had one growing up but that was a "family dog").  I got Kodi from a breeder in Blaine, Minnesota when my mom and I were up visiting my brother and other family in the Twin Cities.  I was going into my senior year of college and I knew I'd be leaving the dorms and finding my first apartment.  I had the dog before I found a pet-friendly apartment in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois where I went to school.

I found a cute place and decorated it with garage sale finds that my mom fixed up.  I know my mom felt a bit better that I had a dog if I was going to live alone.  American Eskimos are great watch dogs!  My mom had this ornament made for me and I love it.

Kodi was a great dog and he loved Jay when he met him years later.  I had Kodi for 13 years before we had to put him down for health issues in Lincoln, Nebraska.  I still have his collar and tags hanging in the laundry room.

We miss you, Kodi.