Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ornament #21

Today we have a little Nebraska-football-snowman-thing.  That's what I'm calling it.  I'm nearly certain Jay's old assistant Anne gave this to us.

We spent 5 1/2  years living in Lincoln, Nebraska.  While we never became Husker fans, we certainly did leave behind some amazing friends.  We had a great small group at church that actually started as a women's ministry group.  All of us women just clicked and we were invited to a couples group.  We did everything with those friends:  camping, coffee nights, cookouts, Halloween parties, Bible studies, trips to the apple orchard every fall.  They were family to me.

We also had the best neighbors ever!  Super C had many friends on the street and we should have installed revolving doors on our homes as kids came and went.  Steve and Renee had 2 of the cutest kids you've ever met.  I miss those kids.  I miss walking to the bus stop with Renee (that 1 year the kids were bussed to school) and I miss Steve's John Goodman laugh.  He sounds just like him!  I shared many a laugh with my friend Suzette across the street as we lamented over another neighbor who loved to call the cops on us.  She gave me their old lawn mower which I still use today.  I know she shoveled my driveway when we were stuck in California for that awful year.  We sat out on the back patio with Brian and Kellie and Todd and Vanessa while the kids would run between yards.  Brian and his son B mowed our lawn for weeks on end after our friend Jake moved out of the house and away from Lincoln.  Vanessa and I garage-saled (that's a verb, right?) together and Todd made the best Chocolatinis ever and also shared our love of Nerf Gun wars with the kids.  I'll never forget running into him at Target with the biggest Nerf gun in his hands.  Todd also reviewed Quiet Tiger's medical file and came to visit me in the hospital when I was all alone and had my gall bladder removed.

Gosh, I miss those Nebraska friends.  Great, great people!

Nebraska wasn't perfect, no place is, but it really was the good life for a time.

Love you, Nebraska friends!