Saturday, May 5, 2012


Praise God!!!  Oh.  My.  Gosh.  We're going to China!  Yesterday we received our Travel Approval.

I will hold my daughter in my very own arms and look into her gorgeous brown eyes and hold her beautiful hands soon!  Our agency has requested all the appointments (in-province appointments to complete the adoption as well as US Embassy appointments to complete her citizenship).  Please pray we get the dates we requested (May 25-June 12) or EARLIER!

There are so many things that need to happen in the next couple of weeks that it is absolutely, positively overwhelming.  I'm trying to rest in the fact that God has it all under control and knows exactly what He's doing, with our best interests in mind.  I'd also appreciate prayers for all the details, large and small, to come together perfectly, that we'd have peace, confidence and strength to make it through this.  Pray that we don't miss one single detail.

After 1 failed adoption and nearly 3 years of trying to bring a little girl into our family, I can honestly say that this feeling is very surreal and I can't believe this is actually happening!


  1. WooHoo!! So understand the feelings. I think I was in shock. Everything started to happen so fast and their wasn't time to really take it all in. It has been a process of realizing that we made it to the end of the adoption journey and finally started the journey with our Renee. Honestly not much tears. Just joy when we finally had her. Will you have to renew your fingerprints? Seriously don't know why you would have to now.

  2. Praise the Lord! I am so happy for you. Now the true adventure begins! I can't wait to see you hold that precious baby girl in your arms. Lots of love and prayers for ALL of you. Let me know if you have any last minute questions! Sheila

  3. I am so happy to finally hear that you got TA and will be traveling soon. Thank the Lord! I cannot wait to hear (if you blog in China) that you have her in your arms!!! --Shelly

  4. YAY!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord! I am SO HAPPY for you!!! I can't wait to follow your journey in China, and to see pictures of your daughter in your arms!!!!!!!!!

  5. Have been praying and will continue to until shes's home!!!
