Saturday, May 26, 2012

Off I Go!

I spent the night last night with an old friend from high school. She took me to the bank so I could get cash for my trip, we had dinner and we spent a few hours catching up. It was a relaxing way to spend my last night in the US. Thanks, ML! Thank you so much! I would have been nervous and stressed in a hotel alone with this trip ahead of me.

Now I've made it through security and I'm perched at the gate, ready to go. I'm flying United and so far I've been treated nicely. The flight will be 12 hours to Beijing and then I'll have a 3 hour layover until my 2 hour connecting flight into Xi'an. I covet your prayers for making it through customs and making my connection! I'll arrive in my daughter's province at 8:30pm Sunday night, local China time.

I've talked to my boys and said my teary goodbyes. Please pray for their health and safety while I'm gone. I've never been away from them for more than a couple nights.

To my boys at home: I love you more than you'll ever know and I miss you like crazy. See you in a couple weeks!

I should be boarding in the next 30 minutes. I'll post from the other side of the globe!