Friday, May 25, 2012

24 Hours

I'm in San Francisco and in 24 hours I will be on a plane for Beijing, with a connection to Xi'an, Shaanxi China! Oddly enough, my brother is leaving on a flight to Russia for work today, so a couple Martini kids are flying across the globe. Look out, world!

Words are few. I'm excited, nervous, stressed and worried. I'd appreciate prayers for safe travel, on-time flights, easy connections, no lost luggage, all those travel mercies. You could double those prayers for my brother too, please! :)

I'd also appreciate prayers for my husband and boys back home. Pray for their health and safety while I'm away. Pray that we can Skype easily (my iPad 1 will only do the audio call, not video, but I guess it's better than nothing). Pray for the boys to have fun with dad and grandpa when I'm gone.

Pray for all the obvious adoption details, that no paperwork is lost, that bonding goes well, that our Quiet Tiger and I stay healthy and that traveling with an almost 2 year old is as easy as possible. Pray that I'd connect with other adopting families, especially those with whom I've connected online.

I'm typing this from my iPad, so yes, I'll be blogging from China. And I should be able to upload a picture or two each day as well. I won't be able to adjust picture sizes, so bear with that, but you'll be able to follow my journey. After all, you'll only be interested in the pictures anyway.

I may post tomorrow as I'm waiting for my outbound flight but if I don't, you'll hear from me in China after I get some sleep. Hoping the trick of staying awake the entire flight will ease me into the China timezone. Worked for Flying to Japan in college, but I'm not that young anymore. Thanks for following me all these years and thanks for your prayers!

To my guys at home, Jaybird and Agents C and E, I miss you already and I love you more than you know.

1 comment:

  1. It's finally here!! Yay!!!! Can't wait to see pix and hear about your journey!!
