Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Adoption Day!

The reason my posts have been few is because we've been running non-stop since Monday when I met my daughter. Tuesday morning was Adoption Day!

We had a 9:00am appointment, so that meant I set my alarm for 6:30am, allowing me time to shower and dress before Hu Jing woke up. The jet lag thing has thrown me for a loop this time on this side of the International Dateline and i was actually up at 2am and I forced myself to stay in bed and rest until 6:30. Hu Jing started stirring and I got her up around 7:00. I dressed her in a 2T outfit my mom had bought, but the pants fell right off of her! So, into an 18 months size pair of leggings, a t-shirt and yes, the required sweater. She's going to be in this sweater for the week because it's the only one I brought. Again, a sweater in 90 degree heat seems insane, but when in China...

We has breakfast at the hotel. My girl is a noodle girl! She loves them and i can always enjoy some panfried noodles & vegetables for breakfast as well. My guides arrived, as did our driver and we hopped back into the van for the return trip to the adoption office. This time they were ready for us and the door was open and to my surprise, the nanny from the orphanage was there again! There was much talk in Mandarin about the cough that Hu Jing has. I noticed it on Gotcha Day and it had gotten worse overnight.

I signed more papers. I have never signed my husband's name more times before in our marital life! Then I had to put a blue ink thumbprint on all the signatures. When it was Hu Jing's turn to place a blue footprint on a few pages, she once again screamed and screamed and screamed. You'd think we were at the doctor's office getting shots or something! After a few minutes, we got the "red folder" of all the official adoption documents and our daughter officially became a Collins!

Sorry blog-land, my secret agent sons have given Hu Jing the status of Agent-in-Training and we will not divulge her new identity unless you have received clearance from us in triplicate (or become friends with us on Facebook). For now, you may call her Hu Jing, Quiet Tiger or L. Three choices. Take your pick. :)

After the adoption paperwork was done, signed, sealed and delivered, my tour guide rushed me through a city block or so to a pharmacy for some herbal remedy for L's cough and cold. Seems we were in a time crunch because we ran the whole way - me in heels (I put on a skirt and nice top and heels for the adoption appointment), and carrying a coughing, sweaty toddler. That was fun. But I'd appreciate prayers for the medicine to help L's cold go away. I have no idea what I'm giving her, but the guides insist she needs it. Again, when in China...

So, we ran back around the block to the van waiting to take us to the police station. Yep, I can officially say I've been to a police station in China. Yikes! Nah, we were just there to apply for L's China passport. Once again, she screamed like mad when they wanted to take her picture. I'm guessing they didn't get a very good shot.

After that it was back to the hotel. L was super tired even though it was quite early for a nap. I was told how to mix the medicine for her cough and the tour guide told me to turn the air conditioning off in the hotel room. I did so reluctantly and only temporarily.

L nearly fell asleep on my shoulder but we went to the lobby to Skype with daddy back in the US. We talked for a while and L enjoyed seeing her baba (dada in Mandarin) for the very first time. I know Jay must be going crazy not seeing his little girl!

Then it was back upstairs to try and feed her some lunch, but she wasn't interested. Instead, I just walked around the little room until she fell asleep on my shoulder (her preferred method of sleeping with me). I tried laying her I the crib but she stirred and cried. So i scooped her up again and laid her in bed with me. Here's today's picture of a sleeping baby L by the light of CNN, the only English TV I get. I typed this entry on my Notepad as she slept and she stirred once, looked up at me and then went back to sleep without a peep. Sweet girl!

Tonight we will venture out for dinner. My guides are off tonight and tomorrow, so I'll probably play it safe and head to KFC for some chicken, mashed potatoes and biscuits. Hopefully we can communicate with sign language to get some dinner to go. The language barrier is tough. We'll have to try my Moby Wrap tonight. L loves to be carried, so I'm glad I brought it. I may not even venture to Walmart for a stroller if she likes the wrap.
Napping in mama's bed.  She refused the crib.
Up from her nap and eating Goldfish crackers in mama's bed.