Friday, April 27, 2012


We didn't receive our TA this week.  I had hoped, but it didn't happen.  Perhaps next week.  I'm also waiting for my visa which I pretty much expected this week too.  Perhaps next week.

Instead, I did complete our homestudy update meeting.  It was a necessary evil, another hoop we had to jump through to bring Hu Jing home.  As I have mentioned before, our homestudy expired in November and although USCIS won't care at this point in the game, the state of NE will.  And since our paperwork is still registered in NE, we have to comply by their laws.  Hopefully our SW (social worker) will complete the update and send it to our agency this coming week.

One thing I'd appreciate prayer for (in addition to TA) is the elimination of one more hoop we may have to jump through - renewing fingerprints at USCIS.  Our prints expire in July.  Yes, we "should" be bringing our daughter home long before then, but most agencies agree that prints expiring that close to travel should just be renewed.  I've called multiple agencies for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th opinions and all agree that they'd have their clients renew prints as well.  Bummer!  The bigger problem is that we'd have to fly back to NE to complete the prints, unless a local USCIS office in NoCal would have mercy on us and print us there.  Probably not very likely.  We'll see.  But prayers appreciated for either the eliminiation of the prints, or ease in being printed here instead of flying home AGAIN!

Back to my wait for TA.