Wednesday, June 20, 2012


L had her first visit to a US pediatrician on Monday morning.

Learning how to ride a rocking
horse in the exam room.
First off, L was just plain silly in the waiting room.  We made it a family affair with Jay and the boys coming along.  I did that mainly so Jay could be the comfort for L if she became fearful of the doctor or the exam.  L giggled and played and was the hit of the waiting room, receiving lots of comments and smiles from all the other patients, especially a couple of teenage girls sitting across from us.  They were smitten!

While I filled out paperwork another mom came up to me and said, "My kids are adopted too - two from Russia," and she pointed over to them at the other end of the room.  They came home at around 18 months old and are now easily 8 or 10 or so.  She was so nice and we didn't talk long.  But I just love the adoption community!  I'm thankful she came up to me.

When the nurse called us back, L was measured and weighed.  She has put on 1 pound since coming home.  I don't know what to think of that because she isn't underweight by any standards, Chinese or American.  But this girl can eat and I've had to cut her off on occasion because she could eat as much as me!  She'll often eat what her brothers leave on their plates.  This girl isn't even 2 yet!

Our new doctor didn't wow me, but she was nice.  She let Jay hold L for the exam.  She asked lots of questions about L's medical background, which of course, I didn't know the answers.  She looked at all the medical info I had from L's referral as well as the immunization booklet I was given in Xi'an.  We talked about our insurance issues and she said she'd put together a schedule of tests and immunizations to get L all caught up.  I'll pick that up tomorrow.  We'll probably check out the county health department immunizations since those will be cheaper.  Looks like she needs 6 shots right now to get caught up.

In regards to her hand, we weren't sent to an orthopedic quite yet.  Again, L doesn't know she's missing anything and has adjusted to "Doing things one handed (bing!)" just fine.  Sorry, I had to make a plug for one of our favorite blogs.  Be sure to check it out because the guy who writes it will make you laugh.  We're so proud to be a part of the limb difference community.  Our doctor did say she has a number of patients with similar issues and they see an orthopedist just once a year.  She wasn't concerned and neither are we.  We'll venture down that route when we're properly insured.

In other news, we are preparing for our first post-placement visit with a social worker as part of our adoption requirements.  China doesn't give us much time - we have to have our first report in 1 month from the date we arrived home (that gives us 2 more weeks to get it done).  Hopefully our social worker will get something on the calendar with us before the week is up.  Thankfully, a donation we received will cover the cost of the first social worker visit.  We won't have another one until L has been home for 6 months and hopefully we'll have a new career by then!

Happy with Baba waiting for the doctor.
Bonding between L and Jay is happening.  She'll now swim with him in the pool but it can take a little bit of encouragement in the form of counting to 3 and throwing her up in the air and catching her as she splashes down and belly laughs.  Baba throws much higher than mama.  She still prefers me when she's tired or cranky but we're seeing improvement.

Introducing her to cold foods has been interesting.  I let her stay up late last night so she could see the boys eating freeze pops.  Of course, she wanted in on the action but once she bit into one and pulled the flavored ice out of the thin plastic sleeve, she grunted, winced and made the most hysterical face while chewing, but she ate it and came back for more, with more grunting and wincing.  We'll try to get it on video because it will make you laugh!

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