Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 5 Sightseeing - Alternate title: It Can't be all Sunshine and Roses

For the second day in a row I had to wake my daughter in the morning to get dressed, have breakfast and meet our tour guide at 9am for today's sightseeing. We went downstairs to the lobby, the only place I can get on wifi, to call Jay and the boys. Skype was in and out and after 3 tries to have a decent conversation, I tearfully gave up without even being able to tell them that I miss them and I love them. L was also all over the place, not sitting next to me on the couch, so I was trying to wrangle her at the same time.

We went into the hotel restaurant for the breakfast buffet where L proceeded to throw her entire plate of noodles on the floor, handful by handful. I think she ate some hard boiled egg and I know she ate an entire banana, but that was about it.

We walked the lobby while waiting for our guide and then made it to the van for today's sightseeing tour. Only L would have none of it! She cried and screamed like I've never heard her before. And since there are no car seats in China, she thrashed about on my lap the entire drive to the City Wall. Lovely. Nothing consoled her until we got out of the van.

The City Wall is beautiful! We paid our entrance fee and then proceeded to the stairs - 75 uneven, steep brick stairs, straight up to the top. Doesn't sound like much, but add a heavy diaper bag with all L's gear, my credentials, bottles of water, etc., plus an almost 2 year old in my arms and i was huffing and puffing and dripping wet! We made it to the top but L would not walk with us. So, I strapped her into my Moby Wrap and we were off to see the city of 8.4 million residents (actually more, but that's the government number).

After that, it was back to the van (and more tears and thrashing) for the ride to the Wild Goose Pagoda. L thrashed so much that she whacked the back of her head in the car so hard that the driver even looked back to see what happened. So, the wailing continued and I was about to scream, "Turn the van around and just take us back to the hotel. Mama can't do this anymore!" but we pressed on and made it to the pagoda. It was beautiful! L calmed down after a long while and she walked around on her own. Then we walked around the square where people were out and about celebrating Children's Day.

Welcome to the land of split pants and bare bottoms! Split pants are worn by young children so when they need to go, they just squat and go! The seam of the pants is un-stitched and open from front to rear, and the children obviously go commando underneath and so you see lots of cheeks hanging out! We saw the largest musical fountain in Northeastern China and kids splashed and waded inside the ankle deep water. So with that comes the children who are done wading and they are walking around totally and completely pants-less as their wet pants lay out to dry. I refrained from taking pictures, but I did find it so innocent and cute. Different culture!

We walked for quite a while outside visiting with other families and kids. I still get lots of looks but none seemed negative. I received many smiles and a few happy "hellos" from those who know a few English words.

Back to the van we went and the crying and screaming commenced. This time, a snack of Cheerios seemed to help keep her calm. We made it back to the hotel and then walked to a nearby restaurant. Yesterday I asked my guide what her favorite food was and she described it as a pancake with pork. So, I suggested we go there today. Once again, she paid for her own meal. More goes into her tip on Sunday morning. The sandwich was round, thin bread but it wasn't sweet like a pancake at all. It reminded me most of a pita bread. Inside was a small amount of pork and I'm sure, pork fat. Needless to say, it was delicious! L loved it too but my guide was quick to tell me that she shouldn't have too much meat, so I should just eat it. They like to feed their babies lots of sweet things and not very much savory food. Hmmmmm. That's going to change slowly when we are home. My meal also came with spicy noodles. Hello, spicy! I loved it, but it was swimming in chili oil. Wow! Small restaurants like this place and the dumpling shop didn't carry beverages, so bring bottles of water, all you soon-to-travel friends of mine.

After that we walked back to the hotel where I checked my email in the lobby and posted yesterday's blog post. Then L started wandering all over the place and purposely dumping her Cheerios bowl, so it was time to wrangle her into her crib for a much needed nap. She went down fussy and I had a good lonely and exhausted cry too but she has been sleeping soundly now as I've sat in the bathroom doing more laundry because today's clothes were soaking wet. And I'm writing this post from the bathroom floor too, then I'll upload pictures to my iPad so I can upload to yesterday's post (be sure to scroll down to look).

All of L's papers and passport should be delivered by the adoption coordinator in a couple hours! Tomorrow is a free day because we need to rest and pack since Sunday morning we need to eat breakfast and check out of our hotel by 7:20am for our trip to the airport and flight to Guangzhou. Ugh! That's early for a toddler!!!

I'd obviously appreciate your prayers for L tomorrow as we lay low again. And especially for Sunday, the early schedule, the hour drive to the airport, and L's first ever airplane flight! Pray for strength and patience for me as i wrangle her, a 45 pound suitcase and a large backpack in this crazy heat! Start praying now!!!!
Xi'an City Wall
My guide's favorite lunch.  Pork sandwich and spicy noodles.
Moat surrounding Xi'an.  Used to be bigger.
Walking around Wild Goose Pagoda.
Largest musical fountain in NE China.  This goes on FOREVER!  Amazing!