Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 8 - Medical

L is a good sleeper! She sleeps in her crib all night after I rock and walk with her until she's sound asleep on my shoulder. We called home this morning and I heard all about my boys' new Legos that they bought with their stash of gift cards from Christmas and birthdays.

We went to the breakfast buffet where L proceeded to eat more noodles than should be humanly possible for a 22 month old. I enjoyed the pineapple buns very much. We stashed a few bananas away for later. We visited the outdoor play area on the 4th floor hoping some other families would be there. The only ones there were a local mom and her little girl, maybe 4 or 5, who proceeded to throw sticks at L and blocked her from using any of the play equipment. The mom just sat back and watched it happen. Nice. Eventually they left and L enjoyed the swing the best. She didn't smile much on it, but when it was time to leave, oh, she threw a fit and wanted right back on.

This afternoon was L's required Medical Appointment. My guide and driver met us in the lobby at 1pm and we drove about 15-20 minutes to the location. It was a brand new, beautiful building. L had her visa picture taken and for once, she didn't scream! But she did scream for the doctors. First up was the ENT. To my surprise, they actually used an Otoscope, which L of course hated. Then it was into another room for the body check. I asked my guide to find out what the scar is on L's right arm. It's about an inch long and it might have to do with some kind of vaccination. Anyone? The doctor never answered and that made me a bit upset. I think its a BCG scar, bit its about an inch long, straight line almost like an incision - very big! Lastly it was into yet one more room for the height and weight check. She weighs a little over 22 pounds and is 33 inches tall. Lastly, we filled out some paperwork and we were off. We weren't there more than an hour.

My guide went to the US Consulate to drop off some papers and the driver took me back to the hotel where L refused to nap since she missed nap time thanks to the appointment.

Tonight was a big highlight for me! I took a cab over to another hotel and met a friend who I met online in a Facebook Adoption group. I met her travel group too. What wonderful people! It was nice to not feel so alone here and it felt like seeing family! I love you guys and your kids are all beautiful! We ate at an Irish Pub near their hotel. L had her first bite of chicken and French fries. She seemed to like both but she didn't scarf down the meal like I know she can. It was new to her.

Then it was back to the hotel for an early bedtime. She was out in less than 30 minutes!

Tomorrow is going to be another early day (so i won't be able to call, Jaybird) meeting my guide and driver at 9am for our 10am US Consulate Appointment. After that we will sightsee, do some shopping (I NEED a stroller here and for the airports on Thursday (there will be 4 of them - Guangzhou, Tokyo (!!!no excitement here!!!), San Francisco and then home (yay-FINALLY-sigh of relief). We'll return to the Consulate in the afternoon for our Oath and then we're done for the day as far as I know.

Please be praying fervently for the flights for L. As I mentioned before, she wailed nearly the entire 2 hour flight here to GZ. I'm honestly dreading the flights home but I want to be home so badly! Seriously, the thought of these flights makes me cry after how she handled her first flight. Please pray for L to be calm, no tears, no delayed flights, no running through the airports to make connections, helpful flight attendants and courteous fellow passengers (maybe even some with their adopted kids).


PS... Yes, I'll post a picture soon. Just haven't uploaded them to my iPad yet.
Despite the look on her face, she LOVED the swing and screamed when I removed her to head in for a nap.
Her BCG scar.  I met 1 other family whose daughter has a similar LARGE scar.