Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Prayer for June

This is going to be very brief, but I'm putting out a public plea for prayer.  Would you please join us and pray for our house to sell this month?  My poor husband just wants his family back together, especially now that school is out and we have nothing on the calendar.

We have a neighborhood garage sale going on this weekend and I'm hoping the traffic will bring our buyer right along and we can still sell the place by owner.  If not, we'll list with a realtor on Monday. 

Please pray for a buyer, a good solid offer and a house sale in June!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pal! Getting caught up on your blog... Praying with you for a buyer for JUNE, and for decisions about how/when to continue your adoption journey (I feel like for my Nepal friends, it's an adoption adoption EPIC? Much more than a journey.) Anyway... holding you guys in PRAYER.
