Wednesday, May 25, 2011


This afternoon I just received an email from our agency about that lovely 2nd pink notice from USCIS. We do actually need to update our brand new home study. No way around it. I can’t even believe it. Furthermore, with our pending move out west, our agency is asking us to cover all of our bases and re-do some dossier documents like Jay’s employment letter, our financial status form, child abuse and state clearances for CA. Everything in triplicate, notarized, 2 for the dossier, 1 for the social worker, yada yada yada, you know the drill.

At this point, I don’t know what to do. Every time it seems we get close to adoption, God allows something to get in our way. We sent our dossier to Nepal. We lost Nepal. Then we start China and paperwork that should have only taken us 2-3 months is taking almost twice that and we keep getting stopped by USCIS with pink notices.

Is God telling us not to adopt? I don’t know. I just don’t know. The last 2 years have sucked (sorry, it needs to be said, people). While we’re trying to sell our Midwest home and get our family out to the West Coast, should we just quit the adoption all together and focus on setting up house and making ourselves at home in CA and maybe try for a pregnancy? Should we just delay everything until we’re settled and then do these updates out there? Or do we just bite the bullet and press on, get this new task list completed now and get our dossier to China some unknown day, months from now?

I wish someone had the answer. We’re taking a few days to pray about our next step. Would you join us in prayer?

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