Monday, May 16, 2011

Strong Dislike of the Color Pink

Oh, I could just about throw in the towel today.  (No, I won't give in that easily, I just need to vent.)  But I'm so mad at USCIS I could just scream. 

I've been expecting our final form from USCIS for the last 2 weeks since we've all been fingerprinted.  I got so excited today in my driveway when I saw the government logo in the return address corner of an envelope as I walked into the house.  I almost started jumping up and down for joy and then I saw it.... the dreaded PINK in the address window. 

Inside was my second PINK notice (remember the first PINK notice when they said I hadn't paid for fingerprinting when I in fact did -- they later found the missing check).  This one states they need a home study update that clarifies our mental, physical, emotional, behavioral issues for all adults living in the home.  Are they trying to bring on some mental issues here?  This is so frustrating.  What confuses our agency even more is that USCIS wouldn't have issued our fingerprinting dates if there was an issue with our homestudy.  So, we're hoping this is all a big mistake and my agency is now put to work once again to iron this out.  Better them than me because I'd chew someone out at this point.  When we re-started the adoption process after losing Nepal, my agency said it would be an easy 3-4 months to get paper-ready for China.  My ticker above shows you it's been much longer thanks to these PINK notices!

I'm really starting to dislike PINK!  Thoughts of a sweet, PINK little girls room is starting to fade away.  And to top it off, I'm wearing a PINK sweater today.  I'm going upstairs to change.


  1. This one made me giggle. I remember our pick notice where they had "lost" our check...only to find out when we tried to put a stop payment on it that it had been cashed the same date as the notice. Gheesh...I know they have a difficult job but really? I know it is hard to believe but you are one step closer every day...some of them are just baby steps :)

    p.s. We leave next week!

  2. It is laughable, isn't it? I just sit here shaking my head.

  3. Why can't "official" people get it right?! I didn't put in my blog (I might and I might not later) that the day before our paperwork was DTC, my agency called to say that our marriage license was not correct. I was frustrated with the "official" people, but I also had to be mad at myself for not checking it better. Apparently I am old!! Instead of 1991 for our wedding date, it had 1941!!! I had to get a new one and over night it to our agency. It was worth the $36, but so frustrating. Your situation is beyond understanding. A new addition to the adoption world game(see my blog post April 19th,if you don't understand) Prayers going your way!!!
