Monday, August 25, 2014

First Day of School - Part II

Look out, Pre-school!  Here she comes!

As promised, here is a quick post about Quiet Tiger's first day of school.  Today public school opened and she is a preschooler at a local elementary school.

Not going to smile.
Not going to do it.

You're leaving me here?
My Quiet Tiger with one of her Teacher's Assistants.

Of course, I've already had my issues with the public school and their registration rigamarole and absolutely ZERO communication.  Good gosh.  Filling out countless pieces of paper that all say the same thing, just in different ways.  Name, address, phone numbers, emergency contacts, allergies, demographics, etc.  One staff person told me one thing, that gal's supervisor told me something completely different.  I much prefer to work with the supervisor!  And today we just showed up because no one told me when to be there, where to be and the school's website and corresponding calendar were BLANK!


[They were updated on Meet the Teacher Night, which I was never informed of and clearly missed thanks to their lack of communication.  Sheesh.]

But she made it!  She walked into school with her empty backpack and we said our goodbyes.  While my daughter was distant and wouldn't make any kind of connection with me, this wasn't a hard morning for me.  I truly think this is the best place for her this year.  She needs to learn some key things and I think the teacher we have been assigned to is perfect for her (he's an adoptive dad).

Miss Quiet Tiger will probably be the highest functioning student in the PPCD/LifeSkills Pre-School class and the supervisor is strongly suggesting L go to a different, non Special Ed pre-school class also within the school.  But that suggested class is 5 full days a week with no option of going half-days.  And her teacher would obviously not be the same adoptive dad who sees the behaviors that I see in my girl.  If the class she starts today is indeed not the right fit, we will pull her out at the end of the semester in December and then determine if we should attempt the school's preschool if there is space for her.  But we are trying what seems like the ideal fit for her right now.

I will not send my 4 year old to 5-day, ALL-day preschool!  

That is way too much for a young child, in my opinion,
especially MY child who came from life in an institution. 

You can keep your opinions on that to yourself, please.

Today, I picked her up at lunchtime despite the program being full-day, we ran to Walmart for some school supplies and came home for sandwiches and Cheez-Its (her choice for a treat from the store).  I made sure she followed that with a nap/downtime to unwind.  I was able to finish up school with the boys while she rested/slept.

She said she enjoyed her day and wants to go back.  Here's to a great year for my pre-schooler!