Wednesday, July 2, 2014

JPC - June 26-30

The last week of June found us busy with Jay's Summer Regional Event for work.  It's much like a company's annual sales meeting.  Jay has classes during the day that he has to attend.  There's even one or two for me.  There is a family event one night with good food, dancing and drawings for door prizes.    The last night is the more formal awards dinner when the kids go off to provided childcare (pizza party and movie night) and the adults get dressed up and enjoy 5-star food and spirits.  Employees are then awarded for their efforts during the past year.

If you're a fan of The Office, I do liken it to the Dundies, just a much more formal version.  I do find myself wanting to chant, "Dundies!  Dundies!  Dundies!" during the awards.

Jay didn't think he was up for any awards this year.
Last year he won the very prestigious Ted Jones Prospecting Award.
This year, he was surprised to win not just 1 award, but 2!
The plaque is magnetized and the medallions can be moved and added as he earns more.
He received the plaque and the smaller medallion first - the Edward Jones Eagle Award.
He then received the Spirit of Partnership Award, the larger medallion.
Awesome job, Jaybird!

A close-up of his awards.
This will hang on the wall in his office.
He's good at what he does, folks.
You can't have your hard earned money in better hands.
Let me know if he can help you.  He's licensed in many states!

And now back to the photo challenge.  Since we were gone, I didn't get these specific pictures on the actual dates, but these were all taken when we got home.

June 26 - Hose

This is my kitchen faucet.  I picked it out for my Mother's Day gift.
Before I had the side by side knobs that you have to turn to get water flowing.
Not exactly smart when you have hands full of raw meats or something harmful.
I wanted something that I could flick on with my wrist and something that had a pull-down hose,
since my first faucet has no hose at all.
I love my new faucet.
The only problem is that my husband likes to spray me with the hose when he rinses his dishes after dinner, which he just did before I wrote this, so found it fitting for the June Photo Challenge "Hose" picture.
I live with a practical joker.

June 27 - Patio

On the back of our house we have the large, 2-level deck that wraps half way around the above ground pool.
But we also have this patio.
We don't use it.
It's home to our grill and a fire pit and that's about it.
Sometimes the kids play basketball out here but in the summer, we pull their Fisher Price b-ball hoop to the pool so we can play in the water.
We don't use the fire pit because…. well, this is Texas and a fire isn't necessary.
So, we have a patio that we don't use.  I wish I had some creative ideas for this space.

June 28 - Asia 

Having to take this picture of our globe really reminded me that I seriously need to start shopping for 6th grade curriculum for Super C.  We are sticking with Sonlight and this year will be the unit on Asia, which I hear is phenomenal!  Ebay, here I come.  Time to start shopping!

June 29 - Hot

Texas is H-O-T.
I liken Texas summers to Chicago winters.
HOW ON EARTH can I say that?
Well, in Chicago winter, if you don't have to go out, you don't.  Too cold, too much snow, etc., etc.
Same here.
In Texas summer, if you don't have to go out, you don't.  
Too hot.  Car can't cool down.  Children (and adults) melt before your eyes.  You sweat buckets just going to the mailbox,  etc., etc.
Not a fan of Texas summers.  Bring on WINTER!!!!

June 30 - Garden

I don't have a garden.  Remember, I'm Miss Black Thumb.
Thankfully, my flowers out front are still alive!
This tree is about a year old.  It's a Key Lime.
During our "cold" winter when we dipped into the 30's, I accidentally forgot to bring this inside one night.
The leaves turned brown immediately.
I clipped them all off, thinking I had killed my tree and began cutting it back so I could throw it in the trash.
Once I clipped all the dead stuff back, it began growing again.
Not sure it will ever produce fruit again, but we'll see.  

And that's a wrap for the June Photo Challenge.  Thanks for sticking with me.  I had fun completing this project.  Perhaps I'll have Super C do one for our upcoming trip to Jackson Hole later this summer. Would be a good summer writing project for him, don't you think?

Try a photo challenge of your own.  I'd love to follow along!