Monday, August 19, 2013

School Days

Collins Christian School is back in session.  Today we celebrated the first day of school!

First day of 5th grade and 1st grade.

Is it really the same to celebrate the first day of school when we homeschool (especially since we do math and reading over the summer)?  Sure, it is!  You're right, the boys didn't get back to school outfits, new backpacks or lunch bags.  They don't need to stock up on school supplies, other than a couple of spiral notebooks that they needed, because we have enough in our own home.  They happened to get new shoes because both boys have been wearing sandals that have been falling apart, not to mention how grossly small E's sandals were (his toes hung over the edge).  I gave them fresh haircuts the other night too.

Even though I homeschool, yes, my boys are not as thrilled with starting school because they'd rather be playing and swimming.  They are typical, playful boys.  But we'll always mark the first day of school whether we homeschool or not.

I found used Sonlight Core E curriculum for Super C on Craig's List and Core E science on eBay.  An adoption friend sold me Teaching Textbooks 5 for math.  I may order a handwriting book for him for more cursive practice. We'll see.  Could just re-do the same book from last year since it's all copy work anyway.  All in all, I spent less than $200 on curriculum for my 5th grader.  That's a bargain, folks!

Super C with binders (teacher's guides) and his stack of 5th grade books.

My friend Amy helped me keep expenses low this year by lending me her used Sonlight Core A curriculum including Science for Super E.  Thanks, Amy!  For math I ordered Singapore again from Christian Book Distributors.  At least for the first semester we'll use Singapore but we'll probably switch to Saxon for second semester because my brother has been using it this summer to help his daughter with with her 5th grade math and he loves Saxon.  That takes care of everything for my 1st grader.  Super E will also be evaluated by the school district to see a speech pathologist for his lisp.

Super E with his binder (teacher's guide) and his stack of 1st grade books (math book hadn't arrived yet).

We'll utilize free online tools for things like typing, grammar, spelling and vocabulary for both boys.

We joined the same homeschool co-op that we were a part of last year.  I haven't heard any schedules yet, but I'm hoping they'll have PE every other week like last year.  I signed up to volunteer for holiday parties, so I'll be getting more involved this year myself.  I also learned of another co-op in our specific area that I may look into because there are no fees but require volunteering.  We'll attend our first park day with that group on Friday morning.  And if we keep this homeschooling gig up in future years, we hope to join into another really large co-op in our area that has great sports programs.  The only reason we aren't joining now is because it's pricey and we're still watching the budget.

The kids really enjoyed their first day.  I love the smile Super C gets when he gives me a recap of the chapters he read.  And I love Super E's enthusiasm over Science.

Here's to a great year!

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