Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Our Adoption Video

Yesterday was August 6.  Two years ago yesterday, we lost our Nepal adoption.  The loss still stings, not only because we lost so much financially, but because of what the children of Nepal lost on that day - a chance for a forever family.  But I also remember our loss on August 6 because we dug deep into our hearts and continued to hold God's hand on our adoption journey and He was faithful!

Today is August 7.  We've been home from China for 2 months today with our daughter.

When we were in the paperwork phase of our Nepal adoption and then waiting on our China, watching adoption videos on YouTube really encouraged me to keep plugging away at the paperwork.  The one that really grabbed me was one from an Ethiopia adoption.  I'll include the link here because it was just so well done and really meant the world to me!  I do not know this family and they will never know just how much their story has given me hope along such a broken adoption road.  I'm sure half of the views on their YouTube video were from me alone, that's how much I watched it to keep myself going.

Now, I am not a videographer, music mixer or anything of the sort!  But I've been playing around with iMovie on Jay's laptop and have had great fun with it.

Please enjoy our video.


  1. So glad I am the first to post a message. Beautiful!!!!! I felt like I was watching my life as I watched it. I hope some day we can meet. We know very little about each other, but what we do share is experiences that has joined our hearts forever. The losses and the joys we have helped each other through have made you feel like a friend. Sure wish we could go for coffee together. :) Praying for you girl!

  2. so beautifully done! I'll have to watch it again when I can see again once my tears dry =).
