Sunday, July 22, 2012

Birthday Girl

Two years ago this week, across the International Dateline, across the globe, a mother gave birth to a daughter.  Just like most mothers, she endured 9 long months of pregnancy, her final few months being in the heat of summer.  Just like most mothers, she probably experienced contractions, labor and delivery.  And just like most mothers, I bet she held her daughter and counted her fingers and toes:  1... 2... 3... 4... 5... wait a minute.  Five.  Five fingers.  Not ten.  Only 5.  I'd bet she was shocked, surprised and sad that her daughter wasn't born absolutely perfect in the world's eyes.

But this mom gave this girl life.  She gave this girl a chance.  For a couple of months, she held her sweet baby girl, she fed her, bathed her, cared for her.  She loved her.  If she hadn't loved her, she might have chosen a very dark, dreadful, awful, alternative route.  But she chose love, love brave enough to know her daughter would be best raised by someone else, somewhere else, unknown to her for the rest of her life.  I couldn't have made that decision.  I couldn't.  No way.  

To this dear mom who must be wondering where her daughter is today:

I want you to know that you were in my thoughts all day today and that is not an exaggeration.  I cried real tears over your loss as I held your daughter on her 2nd birthday.  I prayed for some sort of phenomenal miracle that you could hold your daughter through my arms, that could could smell her sweet, freshly washed hair, feel her smooth, soft skin, kiss her rosy lips, hear her silly laugh and that you could see your daughter through my eyes today.  

I pray for peace in your heart over your decision to give your daughter life and a second chance at life with another family who will cherish her forever.

I pray for wisdom for you to know, without a doubt, that your daughter is safe, growing, happy, cared for, and loved beyond even our own comprehension by a mother, a father, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.

I pray for God's message of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ to be at the very core of who you are so that one day you will be reunited with your daughter in Heaven and we will be one large, extended, beautiful Chinese-American family that God Himself orchestrated from the very beginning.

I pray prayers of thanksgiving for you, for sharing the daughter you carried for 9 months, held in your arms for 2 months and will carry in your heart for as long as you shall live.  Thank you for the daughter we proudly share.

With all my love and gratitude forevermore,


  1. LOVE, love this post!
    Happy birthday to your sweet L!!
    And, like you, praying her amazing China-mommy knows in her heart of hearts that her sweet baby girl is forever loved by SOO many people!

  2. beautiful post... sniff sniff. L is so lucky to have two moms who love her so.
