Friday, February 12, 2010

Important Update

Thanks for bearing with us as we go private. This had nothing to do with personal security or unknown people leaving less than desirable comments. You’ve all been wonderful! But there is news out of Nepal that gives us reason to keep our story private.

Recently, Germany, Sweden and Canada have stopped allowing their citizens to adopt from Nepal. Organizations such as UNICEF and others have urged Nepal to keep their children in their home culture. They have specifically stated that there is “a lack of child protection mechanisms in place” in the Nepal adoption program. From what I have read personally, they do not elaborate on that statement. Nepal continues to monitor their adoption program and insists that things are running up to par.

Does this mean the US will soon follow and close us out? Not necessarily. We suppose there is the possibility. (Please Lord, don’t let that happen!) Yet from what we hear from various adoption agencies, the US has no plans to pull out and Nepal has no plans to shut down.

So why go private? We have known that Nepal is monitoring blogs, news groups and any public information about the Nepal adoption process. If we were to write anything misleading, untruthful or confidential, we could complicate the adoption process for ourselves and other waiting families and Nepal could make the decision to shut down. We clearly don’t want this as there are so many children in need of loving homes and so many families that have opened their hearts to the cause of the orphan! So, if I may interject my own advice to you Nepal adoptive families: make your blogs private and help these children come home without giving the Nepali government any hesitation or reservation.

Obviously, this is cause for concern and we'd appreciate all prayers for continuing in the Nepal adoption program!


  1. Hi, when you say there is news out of Nepal that gives you reason to keep your story private, is this something you heard from your agency? If so, is it something you can share with another PAP? Thanks!

  2. Shelly, our agency as well as the one our friends are using have specifically stated not to publish any information on public blogs, news groups, etc. I received a very detailed email from our agency saying as much. Yes, we share information with each other in conversation, but it has been asked of us not to share any updates or changes publically. I email prayer requests to friends and family (not PAPs) as news arrives. Not sure if that really answers your question... :) Such a rough situation!
