Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Fixer Upper - Upstairs Bathroom Final Reveal

Remember last fall when I was painting honey oak upstairs in the Master Bedroom?  Well, winter came, along with the Polar Vortex and with a running furnace, painting cabinetry and woodwork comes to a screeching halt because fumes are nasty and last for days.

I finished the deck this spring and while that was drying, I started on the final steps of the upstairs bathroom updates.

And to do this room, I finally had to break down and buy more primer and paint (last fall).  The master bed and bath held ZERO expenses for me (other than $2 for masking tape) because I had cans of both left over from a previous project - although I scraped the bottom of the paint can to finish those bedroom doors!

Here's your before from the day we first saw the house and submitted our offer:

Old linoleum, beige walls and honey oak galore.
Didn't look horrible, but it needed a face lift.

In the spring of last year I painted the room a light but bright green on a rainy weekend when I felt like a quick project.  It will be our only room with color on the upstairs.  Easy to change and quick to paint should we EVER [highly unlikely] decide to move from this place.

Update 1. Tile floors and light green paint.  
I liked the wall color, but didn't like how it paired
with the yellow tones of the honey oak.

The last week of September, I made an attempt to start the honey oak.  I painted the cabinet, baseboards and main door.  I hung a sheet up outside the door for privacy in the meantime.

Then the aforementioned winter halt.  Doors and drawers were stacked in my basement waiting for warmer temps to be painted outside in the garage.

But while waiting for my deck stain to cure this spring (72 hours per coat), I started on those drawers and cabinet doors out in the garage.  Now they are all done and reinstalled.

My upstairs bathroom is done!  Finally!  I hate leaving a project half undone for a mere reason of waiting on weather (ie, a running furnace).

As far as honey oak goes, I still have left:

July:  Master bathroom trim, window and door
August:  Master bedroom trim, windows and doors

September/June:  Kids bathroom trim, cabinet and door

July:  Ethan's bedroom trim, windows and doors
August:  Quiet Tiger's bedroom trim, windows and doors

The last 2 bedrooms bring me something new to paint.  Closet doors.  I fear those may take a lot more time and they will certainly require more space (they each have 2 accordion doors).  It may just take me longer than a month to get it all done.  At least we can live without closet doors for a while.

Fingers crossed!