Saturday, December 23, 2017

Merry Christmas 2017

Christmas Greetings from all of us in Minnesota!

Jay continues building his business with Edward Jones in Zimmerman.  This is his 5th year with the firm.  His amazing work efforts earned us a trip to the Mediterranean this summer!  Our favorite spot was the beach at Villefranche, France where we swam in the Sea.  He is a trainer for Level New FAs just entering their career with EJ.  He is Chamber of Commerce President.  He continues to root for all his favorite Chicago sports teams.

Beautiful Villefranche

Brooke continues to homeschool both boys, keeping her busy all week long.  The house is never clean, but at least the kids are getting an education!  She occasionally fills in for Jay's assistant when needed at the office.  She coordinated the local Edward Jones Christmas party this year for the amazing Region 303.  She enjoyed an early winter photo shoot, taking pictures of the kids for this year's holiday blog.

And now for the kids in photo form:

Quiet Tiger
Age 7
First Grade
Reading like a champ
Loves anything artsy
Starting therapies for RAD in the New Year

Super E -- aka "Pika"
Age 10
5th Grade
Still loves animals and zoology and still wants to be a vet
Amazing cook and baker

Super C -- aka "Tepig"
High school freshman
Enjoying learning Spanish this year
Spends free time at 2 youth groups, having Nerf wars and making videos for his YouTube channel

Quiet Tiger
with Juneau -- 8 year old American Eskimo

Super E
with Reese -- 3 year old Pit mix
Reese still struggles with her herniated disc but loves her chiropractor

Super C
with Mack -- 5 year old Great Pyrenees/Chow Chow mix
Mack is the most laid back giant who sings for his meals

Merry Christmas 2017
from all of us in Minnesota!