Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wednesday Weigh In - Week 3

I gained this last week.

No surprise there.

We had Jay's Summer Regional for work and while we both tried to be good that entire long weekend, it just wasn't possible.  The company handed us huge gift bags filled with chips, pretzels, chocolate, candies, mints, etc. upon check in.  Breakfast was included at the resort and I was sure to eat eggs, meat and fruit, but I know I ate way too much of it.  Lunches were on our own every day and we'd head into town for pizza or something.  Dinners were provided by the company and the food was quite good, but it was nearly impossible to keep away from the tasty carbs.

Workouts didn't happen either.

And we came home on Father's Day.  I had planned a nice dinner of ribs, baked beans, corn on the cob, corn bread and peach cobbler.  After 3 days away, we enjoyed one more big dinner.  And then there were leftovers...

So, I put on 3-4 pounds.

Now that we're back home and back to eliminating bad carbs and back to exercising more regularly, I know those added pounds will come off.

I'm hoping for 10 pounds this month because we have my family reunion coming up at the end of July.

Oh, I need to mention that the rash I had on my arm is gone!  Eating carbs eliminated the rash.  My skin is still a little dark and discolored in that area and it does itch occasionally, but add carbs and the Keto rash goes away.  So annoying!

Here's to a successful week, even though all I want to do is eat all the yummy stuff we ate over the Regional weekend.