Monday, July 22, 2013

Happy Birthday, Quiet Tiger!

Our Quiet Tiger turns 3 today.  It's her second birthday home in the US and by now she certainly understands what birthdays are all about -- CAKE!

Her first year home has certainly been full of it's ups and downs.  There have been days when I post all her cuteness all over Facebook.  Oh, she's darling!  And there are days when I call my adoption friends, sobbing huge tears over how hard it is to deal with her issues.  Oh, she really exasperates me some days!

Here are some fun facts on our Quiet Tiger on her 3rd birthday:

Favorite Food:  
Noodles - Italian style or Asian style, doesn't matter

Favorite Color:  
Yellow (ugh - my least favorite)

Favorite Activity:  

Favorite Toy: 
Anything Minnie Mouse is by far her favorite.  Hello Kitty and Nemo would be tied for 2nd

Favorite Songs:  
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Jesus Loves Me and Old MacDonald, in that order

Random Things:

She's a chatterbox!  Her language is simply exploding!  Her latest funny phrase while sitting in a large Rubbermaid container: "Hey mom, guess what?  I'm stuck."

She gets really goofy at bedtime!  Slaphappy is a good description.

She loves Sea World and shouts "I see Sea World!" when we drive by.

She is just now learning to sit and listen to books.  She's still not interested in TV.  Movies are tough for her to sit through as is story time at the library.

She loves the pool and even jumps in (lifejacket on) and goes underwater.

We do believe the hives she has had in the past are from chlorine but bathing immediately after swimming seems to keep them at bay.

She's mesmerized by the garbage truck.

She's also thrilled by the aircraft that fly over our home from nearby Lackland AFB.

She's still in diapers (mommy is not happy) but she screams on the potty.  She's not ready.

She's starting to give up naps but still needs them and gets one a few times a week.

I'm amazed at how BIG her world has become.  From an orphanage in Northern China to garbage trucks, swimming pools, military aircraft and killer whales.  What a HUGE world is in front of her!

I'm really looking forward to the next year.  This year she'll grow to communicate better and maybe even be able to verbalize what's bugging her when she's having a rough time.  This year she'll master the potty and will be free of diapers (Oh, Lord, please let it be so - sooner than later!).  Hopefully her attention span will grow so she can sit still and enjoy books, tv and movies.  This year she'll leave some of her toddlerhood behind and grow into a little girl.   And hopefully, this year will bring more healing from her broken past.

This day would not be complete without mention of my daughter's birth mom on the other side of the globe.  Please keep her in your prayers as she remembers her daughter, mourns her loss, thinks of her daughter and wonders where she is now.  This woman chose life and for that we are grateful.  My heart is with her today and I know her's is with the daughter we share.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Quiet Tiger!

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