Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Post Placement #3

Today we had our 3rd of 6 post placement visits with our local social worker.  We're half way done with all our visits!  YAY!!!!!  Thankfully the remaining 3 come at 1-year intervals:  on L's 2-year anniversary, 3-year anniversary and 5-year anniversary of her adoption.  Then we'll be DONE!!!

Our last post placement visit 6 months ago didn't go so well, unfortunately.  Our visit was scheduled on time and I had all my reporting and photos completed on time but my social worker did not do her job after our visit.  My adoption agency did not receive the completed report until 2 months AFTER it's due date.  My social worker did not return my calls or emails to get it done.  Only once I complained to the agency that contracts the social workers, did the social worker write and complete her report.  Then once completed, I learned that she lost some of the paperwork I had filled out and gave to her to send in with her complete report, per my agency's instructions.  Frustrated hardly describes how I felt by such treatment when I have to shell out hundreds of dollars for her report!

This time we had the same social worker, unfortunately.  I was not happy about that since I was told they'd hire a new social worker for our area by now.  I begged and pleaded with the agency that hires the social workers to do something to make up for the last post-placement debacle.  They refused.  I was livid that I had to pay hundreds of dollars and the social worker seemingly got away with not doing her job.  What has the world come to?

Since there was no use in fighting the matter further, I tried to be pleasant with our social worker.  She tried to be pleasant with me.

I was quick to tell her of Lauren's dental appointment and what the dentist said about her teeth.  See this post if you don't recall the dental education I received.  It would be my hope that China will read the report and take small steps to improve the care of the children living in institutions.  It's a long shot, I know, but I can hope and pray for it for sure!  The children deserve our prayers that the very basic needs are provided.

I told her how much L enjoyed visiting Sea World and how she shouted, "More whale!  More whale!" at the Shamu show.  I told her how I marveled at how big L's world has become; life outside the orphanage.

I told her how L loves her Grandpa Rand and how that pleased me so much since I didn't know how she'd take to a strange man in our house.  I told her how she followed him around the house and always asked for him even weeks after Grammie and Rand returned to Chicago.

I told her I am excited for summer and a more relaxed schedule with no homeschool.  I told her how we're ready for a fun summer in the pool, at Sea World, the Duck Pond, and all the other places that we need to explore in San Antonio.

As usual, I had to provide 15 pictures of our Quiet Tiger:  5 of her alone, 5 of her with me and/or Jay and 5 of her with siblings, extended family and friends.  Sometimes it's hard to figure out which photos to send.  We can always send more, but to keep things cheap I always include the bare minimum.  Here are our post placement photos that I submitted with this report.

Feb. 10, '13
Outside our house.  Celebrating Chinese New Year.
Welcome Year of the Snake!

Mar. 8, '13
Sitting down for a morning snack.
She loves fruit!

Ap. 2, '13
Happy, silly girl playing with mommy.

Ap. 6, '13
Pretty girl!
All dressed up and attending her first American wedding.

May 14, '13
Playing at the park while her brothers are at PE Homeschool Co-op.

Feb. 10, '13
With mommy before church on Chinese New Year.

Feb. 10, '13
Leaving church with Daddy on Chinese New Year.

Feb. 10, '13
After church we went to a local Asian food market where they were
celebrating the New Year with traditional lion dance.
We took many photos and have some great video too!

Feb. 10, '13
After eating a dinner of homemade jiaoza, cashew beef with noodles, fried rice and oranges,
we ended our Chinese New Year celebration
at home with Red Envelopes filled with chocolate coins.
Mar. 29, '13
Our family at the Mexican Market in downtown San Antonio.

Mar. 27, '13
Brooke's stepdad Rand meets L for the first time.
She loved him instantly and always asked, "Where's Rand?" and followed him everywhere.
Rand loves his granddaughter tremendously!

Mar. 28, '13
First ride in the toy Jeep.
L loved it and thought it was the best thing ever!

Mar. 30, '13
L with her big brothers all dressed up before Easter church service.

Mar. 30, '13
Brooke's mom (Grammie) and L at church on Easter.
Grammie loves her granddaughter!

Apr. 6, '13
With Brooke's former boss and his wife at the wedding
of their daughter.
Sunset on Lake Travis in Austin, TX.

Friends, I'd REALLY appreciate prayer that this report will be completed and sent to my agency along with the paperwork and odds and ends I completed on time, per instructions!  She has until June 7 to have the final draft to my agency in PA.

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