Friday, May 24, 2013

Homeschool Follies

We officially finished school today!  So exciting!  What a great year!  We will continue to do reading and math through the summer, but it will be nice to take a break from the bulk of the curriculum.

We have had some funny moments in homeschool, mostly at my own expense.  So, enjoy a couple of tales because they are too good to keep to myself.

Did Moses Really Say That?
When we first started school we were living at my mother-in-law's condo in Horseshoe Bay, TX.  And we were starting time-outs with our new daughter L.  I was reading to Super E from his children's Bible at the kitchen table while L was in time-out on the step.  In the midst of the Bible story, unbeknownst to me, L had decided to remove herself from the naughty step and joined us in the kitchen.  My words, as I read the story and was surprised to see L next to me were, ""And Moses said in a very angry voice,.... [absolutely NO hesitation when I saw L walk into the room] "Go to the step!""  My boys roared and roared and roared in laughter.  C nearly fell off his chair.  "And Moses said in a very angry voice, "Go to the step!""

What Do You Lean On?
When my mom and stepdad visited our new home for Easter we were so close to wrapping up The Wizard of Oz book so that we could watch the movie with Grammie and Rand visiting.  Before we put on the movie for Family Movie Night, we sprawled out on the living room floor and I read the last 2 chapters and I had a nice little mis-speak, a slip of the tongue that sent my 9 year old literally rolling on the floor in laughter.  The words from my mouth as I read were, ""The Tin Woodman leaned on his a@s.""  Ooops!  I mean AXE.  He leaned on his AXE!!!  Not his a@s!!!  Super C could hardly control himself.  I thought he'd wet his pants.  My mom and stepdad got a good laugh as well.  Me and my potty mouth.

Starting homeschool in the fall at Grandma's condo.

Still at Grandma's.  Ethan has fantastic printing even from the start!  

In our new home in San Antonio.
Doing kindergarten math on the whiteboard in the kitchen.

We were heavy into the arts and crafts before Chinese New Year.
We made snakes of all kinds and paper lanterns to celebrate
the Year of the Snake.

E often enjoys listening to C's science lessons
and vice versa.

A field trip while Grammie and Rand visited over Easter.
The San Antonio Riverwalk.
We took the boat cruise and C listened to the tour guide very well
and came out learning many facts about our new city.

Home schooling at it's best.  After C finished up learning about Lewis & Clark,
he and E came up with the idea of building a log cabin like the explorers built when they reached the
West Coast.  Of course, our Lincoln Log set is incomplete but they improvised very well!
I think it's still set up in their room.

Great job this year, boys!  

I'm so very proud of you 
and all you learned and accomplished this year!

Today with their Certificates of Completion from Sonlight.

The plan is to home school again next year.  It's a lot of work, but the boys really enjoyed it this year as did I.  I have located the Sonlight Core E on Craig's List in Austin.  The gal is shipping it to me and it is en route to my home.  I'll only have to figure out science and then choose a math curriculum again for Super C.   My awesome friend Amy is lending me her 1st grade Sonlight core for Super E to use next year, which is such a gift!  Thanks, Amy!!!!!

Happy Summer Break, everyone!

PS...  The Comments Section is open.  Please share your homeschooling follies!  Surely I can't be the only one with a funny story or two!

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