Wednesday, November 14, 2012

So Long HSB!

Tomorrow is closing day.  I'm posting now because we won't have the internet up and running for a day or two in the new home.

Of course, tomorrow won't be easy or as simple as we'd hope.  Jay has his regional exam in San Antonio at 7:30am.  Then he'll head over to meet me at the closing.  Then I'll head to the new house and Jay will head back to the condo one last time to pick up our pop-up camper.  It would be insane for him to tow it down at 5:30 in the morning and then find a place to park it during his exam, not to mention the fact that it tends to blow tires.  He doesn't need that stress in the dark morning hours wearing a business suit.

We may be camping in the house for a while, doing laundry in the bathtub, and sleeping in sleeping bags until our stuff from Nebraska arrives (still working on dates with our friends who will do the loading of shipping containers), but I'm still excited to have our own place again and ample space to spread out.

I'd appreciate your prayers for the following:

Safe travel down to San Antonio, including the pop-up camper which tends to blow tires.  It's impossible to change a flat on that thing on our own as it needs a larger jack.  In the interest of saving money, we let our AAA membership expire when Jay lost his job, so we'd be relying on our Auto insurance to help us if we blow a tire.

Pray for a smooth closing, with no surprises and no hiccups or glitches, etc.  You could pray for well behaved children during the appointment as well.

But other than the camper and the closing, my largest prayer request is for our Quiet Tiger.  Think about it.  Her life has already been disrupted twice - once when her birth mom left her at the gate of the orphanage.  The second time, when I met her in China and took her out of her country and into a foreign land, a new home.  But it wasn't really going to be her forever home - it was my mother-in-law's condo.  Tomorrow she will leave this condo, her temporary home for a more permanent one.  But she'll leave behind the familiarity of this place, the rooms she knows, the furniture she knows (it's all Grandma's), the sights and smells of her first US home.  Tomorrow it all changes.  This is bound to stress her out, especially as we sleep in sleeping bags for a while (I am taking Grandma's pack-n-play with us for now to contain L at night).  I expect her to regress, to throw fits, to be sad and confused, to even break out in hives (please no!) but I pray these things don't happen.

Please pray for her during this transition.  Pray that our bond would be strong enough for her to know that mama and baba are always here, no matter where "here" is.  Pray for her to love her new home!  Pray for her to somehow understand that this is an exciting adventure that we are on as a family, one that we have been praying for since the day Jay lost his job in California this past spring.

Thanks for all the support, friends!  I'll update the blog as soon as we have internet connected in the new house.  It may be a day or two.

So long, Horseshoe Bay!