Friday, January 27, 2012

Urgent Request!

Hi Friends.  We just received the longest and definitely the most confusing email from our agency.  It's a portfolio full of documents (20+ pages) we need to sign, articles we need to read, forms we need to fill out.  We have to make travel decisions (will one or both of us travel) too.  It also includes a fee schedule.

In the next 14 days, all our paperwork is due and all our payments are due (including travel fees)!

My biggest concern is something I clearly misunderstood.  At this time, we must pre-pay for our post-placement services.  China requires 6 post-placement reports that we must file on a specific time schedule after our daughter is home.  We will meet with our social worker, she will write the reports and send them to our agency who in turn sends them to China.  Right now, we must pay $1400 in post-placement fees.

Friends, without your help, we don't know where these funds will come from and they are due NOW!  This is my public plea for prayer and help!  Please donate if you can.  Just think about this: we could raise the money simply by...

14 families donating $100
28 families donating $50
56 families donating $25

See our Donate! page for details.  At this point, it would be best to send donations directly to our agency:  La Vida International.  But if you'd like the tax deduction, send donations to LifeSong for Orphans as described on our Donate! page above.  Please be sure to let us know if you are able to send anything so we can keep both organizations apprised.

Lastly, PLEASE help us spread the word!  Post our latest news on your Facebook pages and your blogs!  The more people who know about our need, the more people might help!  And above all, please pray that God would provide the funds we need.

(enjoy another picture too)

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