Friday, January 13, 2012


IT HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!  [insert sigh of relief, followed by uncontrollable sobbing, coupled with complete exhaustion]

In China's eyes, we have a daughter!  Today our agency received our LOA - Letter of Approval.  They are emailing it to us for our signatures, then we send it back so they can forward it to USCIS.  Hopefully within a month we will receive our I800 Approval.  Following that, the wait is only 7-12 weeks until we see our daughter face to face in China!

This LOA doesn't come without some drama, however.  Our agency knows Jay has a new job in CA and that he's been out there since last April.  Our Social Worker in Nebraska will have to add 2 or 3 sentences in a home study addendum stating as much.  Shouldn't take long at all and hopefully she can do that today or this weekend!

Now that we have our LOA, I am free to share her picture with you.  You've got to see this face!

This is the face of our DAUGHTER!

Her name is Hu Jing (pronounced HOO-jung) and we'll keep that as her middle name.  In Chinese her name means Quiet Tiger.  Be on the lookout for a blog post about how her name has special meaning for us.  Yes, we have chosen an English first name for her but we'll keep you in suspense.  Much like our pregnancies, we will keep her first name a secret until she's in our arms.

Hu Jing does have special needs and we will talk about them in a future post.  Normally I would never share personal medical information with anyone in any public forum, but her special need will be clearly visible to all of you and is not correctible.  So, just in the interest of preparing family and friends, I will share that info with you in the future.  Stay tuned.

For the time being I will not share info about where she is currently living.  When we travel, I'll will tell you what province she is from because we will have to fly there to meet her for the first time.  For now, I will protect her privacy and safety by keeping that info off of the internet.

Thanks for respecting her privacy on those 2 issues!

We are thrilled, excited, ecstatic, and in love!  We love you, Hu Jing - our Quiet Tiger -- and we are coming for you!


  1. Beautiful girl!!!!!!!!! : ) Love the meaning of her Chinese name, too! Micah's meant "Healthy Child," & we're SOOO thankful that the special lady who named him saw past his difference & realized he was perfect!

    Congrats on your LOA!!! : ) : )

  2. Oh tears of joy! What a beautiful little blessing she is. I am so happy for your family. You've waiting so patiently for so long. God is faithful :)

  3. She is gorgeous! I am so happy for you! You guys have been in our prayers! As an aside, if she is from Gansu, Guizhou, or Beijing let me know bc I may be able to give you some tips on the area!

    You have a daughter!!!!!

  4. Oh my goodness, I am so happy for you! I have been praying that your LOA would come!! Thank You Jesus! Your quiet tiger is precious. Congratulations!!
