Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Just another house update and major prayer request here.

Our real estate contract recently expired and we were faced with the option to keep the listing the same or to renew it.  By renewing the contract, it gets listed as a "new listing" and goes back to "zero days on the market."  Having just put in a lot of work to replace some drywall and paint the entire basement and the kids bedrooms and bath, we were advised to renew the contract, have new pictures taken with hopes of getting new buyers into our home.  It's just how it works in the Midwest.  But we're faced with the knowledge that selling our home now/soon will seriously delay our adoption.

If we sell the house now, before we get our LOA or even a month after we get our LOA, then we will have to delay the adoption, pay thousands to update our home study in California, get new fingerprints, wait for new approvals.  All this will delay the adoption anywhere from 6-8 months, maybe even longer.

Yet we need to sell that house and get settled in CA.  We need normalcy, routine, space and freedom.  Oh, I need some freedom!

We struggled with the decision of what to do with the contract knowing that our decision could really mess up the adoption.  We asked people to pray, we listened for God, and made the decision to renew the contract with the hopes that we'll get a buyer.  Today we had a house showing and it scared me.  I'm at the end of my rope living the way we are and I want that house to sell.  But I'm at the end of my adoption rope too, seeing friends sneak ahead of us in their process while ours seems stalled.

I'm making a public plea to everyone out there to pray for the synchronization of the house sale and the adoption.  If we could get that paperwork from China in the next few days and if we can get showings and a good, solid, fair offer on our home with a closing that DOES NOT conflict with our adoption are paramount.  It's absolutely brutal having 2 major, life altering happenings hanging in the balance.

Can we count on you for prayer?

PS:  Don't forget your year end tax deductible giving!  Go to our Donate tab at the top of this page and be sure to send any adoption donations to LifeSong for Orphans.  More on our Puzzle Progress in a future post.  Thanks to those of you who have already given.  We are forever grateful to each and every one of you!

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