Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Miracle

Before you get your hopes up, no we didn't get what we wished for this Christmas.  We have not received our LOA yet and we still haven't sold our house.  Our daughter is still in an orphanage in China and we are still living in limbo.  However, something extraordinary happened this Christmas.

True confession?  I'm a pastor's wife who really isn't a huge fan of Christmas.  Obviously, I love the true meaning of the holiday - the birth of our Savior that changed everything.  Everything else about Christmas just gets to me and I struggle every year with keeping myself centered on the awesome true meaning of what we celebrate every December 25.

This year our Christmas was bound to be a tough one.  The house and the adoption are one thing, but couple that with a husband in California in his new pastoral role meant a lot of work and having no family even in the same time zone.  More than ever, I miss my family during the holidays and I knew loneliness would take over my heart.  Walking into our new church on Christmas Eve was bittersweet.  It was fun to see the faces of new friends, enjoy some awesome music and it was downright awesome to see our new building packed full of people celebrating Jesus' birth.  Yet I was humbled beyond my imagination at how many people approached me after the church service with words of understanding and compassion over our awkward, difficult Christmas this year.  Tears were shed as I received hugs and blessings and prayers of many members of our new church family.

The next 18 hours or so were filled with the hustle and bustle that is an American Christmas - the excitement building in our children, the prepping of food, the last minute wrapping of gifts, the organization of gifts under the tree, the preparations for Santa's annual arrival, a couple late night games and another packed Christmas Day service at our new church with equally great music and messages.  Later on Christmas day, after Jay had returned from work, after the house was cleaned and food made, we headed out to the home of some friends.  What could have honestly been one of our toughest, hardest, sad Christmases ever, turned out to be nothing but a Christmas miracle to me and a clear answer to prayer of so many of our new church family.

Hugs.  Smiles.  Conversation.  Children.  Guinea pigs (and pig nail trimming - you all do this on Christmas Day, yes?).  Gingerbread houses.  Music.  Candles.  Honeybaked Ham.  Chocolate peppermint cake.  Games.  Fun.  And laughter.  I mean red faced, tears rolling down your face, hyperventilation, rolling on the floor until your sides ache laughter.  Oh, it was a joyous Christmas!  Dare I say it was the best Christmas ever?  I could say that.  Nothing will ever take the place of my family, mom, my stepdad, my brothers and sisters-in-law, my nieces and nephews.  But I have a new family in CA and they gave me a Christmas I will never forget and one that will quite honestly and seriously rank among my best Christmases ever.

So thank you to our new LP Church family.  Thanks for your prayers for us to not only to get through a tough holiday season away from our loved ones, but also for making it a joyful, memorable holiday.  Your prayers were answered.  Thanks to those of you who have hosted us on Christmas Eve and invited us into your traditions.  Thanks to those of you who showered us with Christmas cards, cookies and gifts for my boys.  And thanks to our dear friends who shared December 25 with us.  You made it awesome, outstanding, joyous!  We love you guys!  Thanks for being my Christmas miracle this year!  Next year at my house?  :)

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas dear friend...may the new year bring you joyous news!
