Thursday, August 18, 2011


My Facebook status today posted my 10 year anniversary!  And I also posted that a nice anniversary gift would be a contract on our house or our LID in China.  This evening I was shocked to actually get something we've wanted for so long...

We’re on the list!  Our dossier has been received in China and we have our Log In Date (LID)!!!!!  On August 9 our dossier was officially logged into the China Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption!  The “official wait” now begins and I’ve updated the ticker above.  Now it’s just a matter of time until we are matched with our daughter.  Our agency says they’ve never had a family wait longer than 6 months for a referral in this particular program.  They are hopeful we’ll go much sooner because we’re open to different age ranges and a long list of special needs.  Yet I proceed with caution because this adoption has not followed anyone's expected timeline.

So, happy 10 year anniversary to my husband!  I wonder what the next 10 years will hold, but I think it will include a trip to China at some point!


  1. Hooray!!!!!!! I couldn't be more excited for you guys!! Happy Anniversary!! Happy LID!!

    It won't be long until you know who your daughter is! : )

  2. Yeah, just in time for when the shared list comes out. It should have been this Monday, but rumor has it that it will be another week. I was very disappointed. Here's to both of us getting "the call" very soon.
