Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Go, No/Go

Do you remember this dialogue from Apollo 13?

-Apollo 13 flight controllers, listen up. Give me a go, no/go for launch. Booster.
- Go.

- Retro.
- Go.

- Fido.
- We're go, Flight.

- Guidance.
- Guidance go.

- Surgeon.
- Go, Flight.

- We're go, Flight.

- G.N.C.
- We're go.

- Go.

- Control.
- Go, Flight.

- Procedures.
- Go.

- Go.

- F.A.O.
- We are go.

- Network.
- Go.

- Recovery.
- Go!

- Capcom.
- We're go, Flight.

Launch control, this is Houston. We are go for launch.

I think you could just as well substitute adoption lingo in there and it would work quite fittingly. Allow me a little fun here…

La Vida this is Collins. Give me a go, no/go for Adoption.

- Application.
- Go

- Birth certificates
- Go

- Employment letters
- We’re go, Adopt

- Financials
- Financials, go

- Medicals
- Go, Adopt

- Background checks
- We’re go, Adopt

- Photos
- We’re go

- Passports
- Go

- Homestudy
- Go, Adopt

- Payments
- We are go

- I-797
- Go

- Authentication
- Go!

- We’re go, Adopt

China, this is Collins, we are go for Adoption!

Going through my checklists just reminded me of the movie. So, anyone wondering what DTC is? In China adoption lingo, it stands for Dossier To China. Friends, we are go adoption! As of TODAY our dossier has been launched and is on its way overseas. God speed, dossier!

Our agency has already been looking at partial lists of waiting children to see if any would be a potential match.  If they find a little girl who seems like the perfect fit, they can lock her in before our dossier is even registered in China.  But in order to look at the full list of waiting children, we need to wait for our dossier to be received and logged in (estimated to take 2-4 weeks from today).  Please see our Prayer Request page for new requests!


  1. Hooray!!!!!!!! There are tears in my eyes as I type!! : ) Hooray!!

    Can't wait to see what precious bundle the Lord has picked for YOUR daughter!!!!


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