Monday, April 18, 2011

Happiness While Paying Bills

I know.  You think I've lost my mind by the title of this post!  Well, you're not too far off!  But it's Monday and I was handling the weekly task of paying bills this morning and 2 things made me literally cheer out loud.

  1. We got our Federal and State tax returns.  The amount will cover almost half of our next adoption payment when our dossier goes to China.
  2. I saw that my check to USCIS, which I mailed in December, then was lost by the government in March, has not only been found, but it has been cashed. 

So, I can only take this to mean that the final fingerprint appointment for our basement renter will arrive in the mail in the coming days.  Time is of the essence here as he's moving out in mid-May. 

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