Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Almost There!

Jay’s medical form is finally done, but not without some drama, i.e. 3 trips to the doctor’s office, including a 2 hour wait for a simple signature!  With this last form in, our home study rough draft will be emailed to our agency this week for their approval.  I mailed my last set of dossier documents to our agency this morning and they will be sent out for authentication (our agency does this for us which is a nice treat).

We’re so close to being done with paperwork! Just the official, notarized home study, finger printing at USCIS and that I-171H which will take weeks, I’m sure.

I will be patient. I will be patient. I will be patient.

[yeah, right!]


  1. You will survive. You will survive. You will survive!! Just keep plugging away one step at a time. :)

  2. Hooray!! Another step towards your daughter!
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  3. I'm reading Half the Sky. We should all be doing what you are doing to help protect these precious little ones from a certain unhappy future. Praying for you and we know you're going to make it!
