Saturday, November 20, 2010

Turkeys in Disguise

My 2nd grader had a class project that we were asked to complete as a family this weekend. We were instructed to help disguise a paper turkey in a way that is “meaningful to our family.” Our son will take it to school on Monday and write a story about it. At first, we over-read that “meaningful” part and had decided to dress him like a robot using tin foil and grommets and stuff. Then I re-read the note from the teachers. “Meaningful.” Hmmmm.

Sitting in the living room on Thursday night we discussed it as a family. Jay thought we should dress it in some sort of Japanese way since that would be meaningful to me (I lived & studied in Japan during my sophomore year in college). But then it hit me… “No! China!!! Let’s make him a Chinese Dragon disguise! That would be meaningful to ALL of us!” My son was thrilled with the choice and bounced up and down, “Yeah, YeAh, YEAH,” a big smile on his face.

So, after I put the boys to bed, I Googled for lots of Chinese dragon images, copied and pasted a few, then manipulated them in Publisher and printed. I cut them out on Friday morning so they were ready for coloring and decorating over the weekend. Jay went out and picked up some colored tissue paper at Walmart for the body of the dragon. Of course, I knew my youngest would also want to make one, so I made enough for him too.

Enjoy our 2 turkeys in disguise, plus the head of the one I colored as an example for the boys.  [36 years old and I still love to color!]  Yes, the detail was a bit much for my 3 ½ year old, so I ended up doing most of his, but he told me what colors to use and where they go.  And then my 7 year old colored on the wrong side of his dragon's body, so his isn't aligned quite right, but I love how they turned out!

May our turkeys have luck escaping an imminent demise this Thanksgiving holiday. And as a dragon (Chinese symbol for luck), may they bring luck to us for getting this home study done and get our dossier on the road to China already!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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