Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Giving Thanks

I can’t usually make it through the holiday without thinking of an episode of one of my favorite shows, Mad About You. You know the episode I’m talking about? It’s the one where Paul & Jamie are hosting their families and friends for Thanksgiving dinner at their NYC apartment and they’re totally stressed out. In the midst of the family chaos, their dog Murray is found on the island in the kitchen eating the freshly cooked bird! Classic! So, they stall their families, pretending nothing is wrong. At one point, Jamie has all her guests sit in a circle in the living room going through all the things they are thankful for, while Paul sneaks out to buy another bird for the umpteenth time. Jamie even lists her thankfulness in alphabetical order, to give Paul more time to scramble.

It really hasn’t been a pretty year in our household. It’s been our toughest run so far. But I’m still blessed beyond measure and I have much to be thankful for. What are you thankful for? In Jamie Buchman fashion, here’s my list…

A – Adoption. Thankful for the call to add a daughter from China to our family. Beyond grateful that God has adopted me into His forever family!

B – Boys. Mine, specifically. I have a couple of great kids and a great husband, dogs and guinea pig to boot. That’s a lot of boys in this house!

C – Chocolate. Needs no explanation, does it?

D – Dogs. I have the 2 cutest American Eskimos ever. Now if I could only get them to ride in the car without throwing up! Suggestions?

E – E, my 3 ½ year old. He is super funny, adorable and mommy’s boy. I can’t get enough of him!

F – Friends. I’m grateful for old friends and new. Life sure would be a difficult journey without you.

G – Green grass (double G). I may be from the Midwest, but I HATE winter. I’d much rather be outside in the yard in the summer than cooped up inside during the bitter cold winter.

H – Home. The one of my youth that consistently shows up in my dreams. The first home we lived in after getting married. Our second home -- the one I live in currently. The one I can always go back to anytime I want (i.e. mom’s). The other places that feel like home including Minnesota & Japan. There’s nothing like the feeling of being home where I can relax and be the real me.

I – Icing. Specifically the buttercream at Mariano’s in Arlington Heights. Just had it this fall back home in IL. This is the BEST STUFF EVER. I have to learn how to make it. Anyone have a recipe?

J – Jay, my husband, my best friend. He never ceases to make me laugh. There’s another J who lives in our basement. I’m thankful for him, his friendship and help around the house. Love having him here.

K – Knitting. When our dossier is sent to China I’ll start knitting my daughter her first afghan. Can’t wait.

L – Lincoln. This can be a stretch for me, but yes, I’m thankful for the town I currently live in. Moving here has allowed me to be a stay-at-home mom, brought me AMAZING friends and neighbors (you know who you are), it’s the birthplace of my second son and it maintains the Midwest values we cherish.

M – Mom! I’m living 500 miles away from mine and I miss her every day. She’s the best mom and Grammie ever. She spoils us rotten and she knows it. And as much as I can never repay her, I will continue her legacy with my own grandchildren one day and spoil them rotten.

N – Neighbors. We have THE BEST neighborhood ever. If you all are reading this, you guys rock!!! Let’s spend the winter inside each other’s houses, letting the kids play, hanging out with good food and good friends! Our door is always open! Any Thai dinners coming up?

O – Opals. My birthstone and my grandmas too.

P – Prayer. I can talk to God about anything, anytime and He listens. Praying that our China daughter will be home by Thanksgiving 2011!

Q – Quiet. With 2 boys running around, there isn’t much of it. But when I find it, I relish it!

R – Recipes. Love reading them, trying them, tweaking them, sharing them. Got a favorite to share? Leave a comment.

S – Seven year old. Mine! Super C is one amazing kid and he blows me away with how smart and kind he is. I can’t believe he’s 7.

T – Tremblay’s Peanut Butter-Chocolate Fudge from Hayward, Wisconsin (and Stillwater, Minnesota too). Trust me. It’s worth the trip, people!

U – USA. Thankful for this country, the freedoms we have, those that defend and protect our freedoms, those that gave their lives for our freedom. The list could go on. God bless the USA!

V – Vacation. We love to travel. Love the memories we create visiting other locales. This year was South Dakota. Loved the Badlands and Rushmore! Sure, camping still isn’t my favorite thing in the world, but it’s an affordable vacation for us these days. It’s more fun with friends though (HINT–HINT to all of our camping friends).

W – Weightloss. I’m thankful that my husband is conquering the battle of the bulge with 50 pounds lost and counting. I’m down 38 and thrilled. But is it really possible to lose a c-section belly? I’m going for a few more to find out. Why settle?

X – Xenophobia -- the fact that I DON’T have it! I love all things foreign and learning about other cultures from the locals. So very thankful for my year in Japan and looking forward to China next year. [And you didn’t think I’d come up with an X other than x-ray, Xerox or xylophone. Pshaw!]

Y – Yesterday. Without my past, I wouldn’t be who I am today. Sure, there are many yesterdays that I’d love to go back and do over, but that’s not possible, so why bother thinking about that. I can only learn from yesterday’s mistakes and grow into the woman God designed me to be today.

Z – Zebras. When E was born, the nursery was a zebra theme. I love it so much that I can’t possibly bear to paint over it. But I will add pink walls and accents to make it unique for my daughter.

Happy Thanksgiving!