- 10 passport size pictures of each adopting parent
- 2 Employment and Educational History Forms
- 2 copies of our home study agency license
- 2 copies of our home study agency non-profit certificate: the 501(C)3
- 2 copies of our home study social worker’s license or credentials
- 2 photocopies of the photo ID/signature page of our passport for each applicant
- 2 sets (12 in each set) of photographs of our home and exterior views from our home.
The home study just needs 2 sections rewritten, but should be on it's way to our agency by now. And thanks to donations by friends and family, that $300 we were waiting on for the Home Study Review Fee ($600 total) has been sent to our agency. God just showed up and dropped these gifts in our lap. Thanks to those of you who have answered the call and served us! We are completely humbled by His provision through your support!
With the dossier almost done, we are trying to raise funds for the Completion of Documents Fee. This fee is $4000 and you can see our ticker at the top of our blog on where we are. We keep receiving little checks here and there and the ticker is creeping forward. Wow! Yes, even a little bit helps! Please be in prayer for these finances. I am still praying that we can remain debt free through 2009. If we can accomplish this phase of fundraising, we will move onto phase 2 which will be an additional $7000 that will be due in January as our paperwork goes overseas!
We hope to hear of news of referrals going out for families on the waiting list. Our agency is confident that the families going before us should be receiving news of their children soon!