Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

This week I’ve been worrying about how we’re going to handle the finances of our adoption. Yes, we know we probably won’t be able to raise all the cash we need to bring our daughter home, but I was hoping to split the total cost into thirds: Raise 10K from family/friends, Spend 10K of our own/loan, and receive 10K in grants (which are hard to come by). Wishful thinking, I know.

Our home study is still being reviewed by our agency and it seems to be taking a long time. They said it would take about a week, but we’re past 2 already. I called the agency to see if the financing is holding us up and they insist it is not. They know full well that we’re trying to raise money this year. I’ve been so concerned over the $4K Completion of Documents Fee that won’t be too far off on the calendar that this $600 fee due now for the Home Study Review totally slipped my mind. Thus, came my worries.

So, I’ve been disappointed all week and we’ve talked about just going to the bank and starting the home equity loan 3 months before what we had hoped and planned. But my prayers were answered in the form of multiple donations that arrived this week. While it doesn’t add up to the total we’ll need, we're over half way there to the $600. God totally amazed me. Just when I was about to take things back into my grimy little hands, He reigns down and reminds us that He is in control and He will be faithful to complete the dream that He gave us in the first place. He told me through 3 generous families that He will provide for us. I'm not going to the bank any time soon and I'm not anxious about it in the least!

We’re still praying about the remaining $300 due now and the $4K that will be due at end November or December. But I’ll package those worries in a beautifully wrapped box and place it at the foot of the Cross. I can’t handle it but God can!

I’m basking in His goodness and it feels great!