Sunday, June 14, 2009

We're officially starting the journey!

Wow. I received a surprise email last night from our adoption agency. We are to start the application process this week as opposed to waiting until July! Yikes! We have a multi-page application to send in by Friday along with a rather large check for the first of our payments. I'm under the assumption that the application will be reviewed (and hopefully accepted) by the end of this month and we will start our dossier and home study in July!

I didn't sleep at all last night knowing this large check has to go in the mail. This is what savings accounts are for, and we planned for this, but it won't be fun to see that account go down! Yet this morning, I was reminded in church that God can move this financial mountain for us. I won't be able to do it myself. He will be faithful.

OK. So that's the fun update. Now to answer another question about our adoption for you...

Why Go International?
Frankly, we find the international scene to be an easier process. Sure, it costs way more and takes more time, but the legalities of it all are just easier. We know full well that there are children in our own country who need loving homes! There are even more across our borders and most are living in poverty with little to no healthcare. They are unwanted for various, sometimes unthinkable reasons. We desire to serve those children. We also love the idea of having a child who doesn’t look exactly like us and comes from a unique culture!