Sunday, June 7, 2009

Welcome to Our Blog!

Hello to all our friends across the globe! Most of you have heard by now that Jay and I are planning to adopt a daughter from Nepal next year. We have created this blog as a way for you to keep track of where we are in that process, what you can be praying for during the journey and other ways you can help. The paperwork will start in just a few weeks! In the meantime, I thought I could take some time to answer just a few preliminary questions this month. I'll try to update this at least once a week, perhaps on Sunday after church. Thanks for visiting us!

Why Adoption?
With 2 handsome, healthy boys at home, I’m sure some of you out there wonder why we’d consider adoption in the first place.

Our 2 pregnancies were wonderful and we didn’t experience any major medical complications! But both our boys were born by c-section and a body can only take so much. My doctor in Lincoln told me that 3 c-sections were about all I should consider.

So, couldn’t we just try again for a girl one more time? Sure. But I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. I’m not exactly ready to be “done” having kids at this point. I love being pregnant and I’m still young and have time on my side. We desire a girl and trying one more time gives us a 50-50 chance. Adoption gives us a 100% chance of having a girl!

I believe our move to Lincoln was a huge influence in our decision to adopt as well. While we had always talked about adoption, especially with Jay having grown up with his foster brother Ron, and the year I spent in Japan, it was always just a thought in the back of our minds.

Currently, we have numbers of other friends here in town who are also in their own adoption journey. This is simply a cause felt deep in the heart of our community. In our life group from church alone, we have one family who already adopted from Ethiopia, 1 other family considering private domestic adoption, and our leaders are also investigating their options to expand their family! The list doesn’t stop there as we know even more people who have created their homes for multi-racial children. What a great place to raise a child!

We have heard the need. We are answering the call.

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