Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas 2020 Edition

This Christmas finds us at home.  Oh, wait.  We're all stuck at home and we've been stuck at home for 9 months trying to flatten a curve and end a pandemic.  

Let's not speak of that.

2020.  It was horrific for some.  To those of you who suffered this year, you have our love, support and prayers.  For us, although difficult at times and lonely almost all of the time, our year was actually fairly good.

Before the world shut down in the spring, Jay, Ethan and Brooke enjoyed an Edward Jones Travel Award Program (TAP) trip to New Zealand in February!  It was Ethan's first time crossing that invisible International Dateline and equally invisible Equator.  We stayed 2 nights in Auckland before a week stay in Queenstown.  While all TAP trips are quite impossible to compare, New Zealand was very likely our favorite and we long to return with Carson because he'd love it equally.

A jet boat ride on the Dart River
New Zealand.

We came home and kept quiet for a couple of weeks, just in case we picked up any bug overseas.  We have been healthy throughout the year, thankfully!

Two days into Minnesota's shutdown at Eastertime, Brooke broke protocol by going out for a non-essential item.  Gasp!  Knowing we'd need a little joy during an uncertain, unnerving time, Brooke planned a surprise for the family.  Enter: Derek the Parakeet.  Named for the goofy character Derek on The Good Place (one of the many shows we binge watched this year), he took a couple of weeks to warm up to us.  Today his personality and vocabulary shine and grow daily!  He's a bit of a misogynistic bird as he imprinted on Brooke and follows wherever she goes and calls to her if she leaves the room.  As for the men in the house, well, he likes Jay and has been investigating him more and more these days.  He tolerates Ethan (and Lauren, we should add) when absolutely necessary.  He hates Carson with a passion.  While we wish he loved the whole family equally, oh, the joy he brings a weary mom is sometimes what gets Brooke through the long days.

Derek perched behind our chamber door.

Distance Learning with Miss Hu Jing began this spring, along with the rest of the country.  Her school did a fantastic job in the transition, although the event planner in Brooke thinks they could have sped up the process seeing as we knew a shutdown was very likely.  Miss Hu Jing knocked our socks off by earning Student of the Month during one of her final months of 3rd grade at her charter school!  Singing her praises doesn't come as often as we ever hoped or dreamed as parents, so this accomplishment was enormous!  She attended every Zoom meeting with her teachers and staff, she was quick to learn conference call etiquette (that all important Mute button) and raising her hand when she wished to speak. She completed all assignments with little difficulty and basically rocked the world that month and entire final quarter!

Miss Hu Jing receiving her Distance Learning shirt for 
her 8th Gotcha Day.

This summer when state borders opened up again we found ourselves without any more TAP trips on the horizon due to Covid cancelling our next planned trip to Ireland.  So we went back to our (read: Jay's) love of camping.  Okay, we didn't camp.  We have grossly outgrown our pop-up trailer.  We loaded up the Tahoe with gear, snacks and an absurd amount of hand sanitizer and drove out to some of our favorite locales -- Mt. Rushmore and Yellowstone, spending a couple of nights in very sanitized and limited access cabins.  While in Yellowstone, Jay's best friend and his family were shockingly right down the road in their RV.  We social distanced at their campsite.  As we wrapped up our trip, our curiosity for RVs was peaked.

Jay and the kids at Wall Drug in South Dakota.

Thanks to a boring weekend at home instead of the cabin later this summer, we found a local family selling their 31-foot 2003 Class C Shasta Motorhome.  We went to look at it and we became "that RV family."  She may be old, but what she lacks in modern décor, she'll make up for in memories for years to come.  Besides, while budget inhibits us to renovate our 30 year old, outdated home in mere few months, Brooke is pretty certain she can bring the dated beige and blue RV décor into more modern times fairly easily and inexpensively in 2021.  Our first inaugural trip in Treat Yo' Self -- a shout out to another show we binge watched, Parks & Rec -- was to Door County, Wisconsin and Pictured Rock, Michigan.  Being fully infected with the RV bug and the knowledge that camping is a fantastic social distancing getaway in our own tenement on wheels, we took off again on camping trip #2 with stops in Union, Illinois to see family and friends around a campfire and then to Mammoth Cave, Kentucky.  

Treat Yo' Self
aka Big Chungus

Not to forget the woofs, Mack and Reese sure do love camping!  We just may need to try a bark collar for Reese as she barks at everything that moves at our campsites.  Everywhere we go, fluffy Mack gets all the looks and attention from passersby.  But our dogs love hiking trails and walking campgrounds and lounging in the RV.  When we get back home they sleep more soundly than we've ever seen and it's quite comical.  Both mutts would love to eat Derek the Parakeet, so we have to rotate who is out and about inside our home at any given time.

Mack & Reese

After summer came to a close, Carson began his second year of PSEO at University of Northwestern St. Paul for his senior year of high school.  The fall semester 2020 was one of his favorites!  He is long distance dating a wonderful girl in Illinois, the daughter of one of Brooke's best friends.  We can't say that's not a bit awkward as we fear one day feelings may get hurt that could put Brooke's friendship with one of the dearest women on the planet in danger, yet we think Carson has excellent taste and we love his girlfriend and try to help arrange calendars so the kids can see each other despite the miles.  Although he remains unsure of what he'd like pursue as a career, he's hoping that the University of Minnesota will be his next stepping stone after high school graduation in Spring 2021.

Carson's Senior Photo
Age 17

Ethan continues to do homeschool as an 8th grader this year.  We still use Sonlight Curriculum and have really enjoyed our learning so far.  We have a lot of laughs as we find that many of our lessons can be tied into our favorite binge-watching NBC shows, The Office, Parks & Rec, The Good Place.  Ethan continues to be Brooke's sidekick, quick to help in projects of many kinds.  This year he has become familiar with pole saws, chainsaws and an axe as we continue to try to clear out an acre of thick buckthorn from our suburban yard.  He also installed a new kitchen faucet in the RV as ours broke in Kentucky.  He looks forward to the spring when our RV is out of storage and he can learn more about RV set-up, care and maintenance.

Ethan fishing on a quick weekend to Chicagoland
Age 13

In the fall as schools reopened in our area, we elected to stick with Distance Learning for Lauren due to the uncertainty of future school closures during the pandemic.  Our girl has never handled change well and staying home would keep up some good consistency for her.  Sadly, this fall, we have had the exact opposite experience with the school and their distance learning program.  We found ourselves with a child who was struggling immensely and that refueled the fire on all of her Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) behaviors.  It has been a joy stealing fall and winter around here and we struggle to help her cope.  Prayers are always appreciated!

Lauren Hu Jing ready for a day of distance learning
Age 10

On the job front, Jay has reached Level 8 with Edward Jones and continues to serve his clients and the small town of Zimmerman with all that he has.  He loves the company, his coworkers, clients and his Branch Office Administrator who works her tail off to keep the branch office running smoothly.  Brooke, on the other hand, has had her tiny pet sitting business on shrink immensely due to Covid.  In fact, right now she only has 1 regular client that she attends to 2-3 times per week.  When the world returns to normalcy, perhaps pet sitters will be in more demand again.  Until then, the demands of our RAD child are so great right now, that a lighter Rover calendar is a blessing!

Jay and Brooke at the Skyline Queenstown Gondola
Queenstown, New Zealand

We hope and pray that our family and friends are healthy this holiday season.  We miss people greatly and long to be able to gather again soon with all of you!  Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Jay, Brooke, Carson, Ethan & Lauren
Mack, Reese & Derek too

Friday, January 31, 2020

RAD Life - Coming Clean

There's a lot we've been dealing with since school started this fall.  I have kept quiet because...


it's been scary!

If you can't handle a little scary, close this link immediately.  It's about to get ugly, folks!  Time to come clean with y'all because handling this solo is just too much.  I can't do it anymore.

School started with it's usual fashion.  Issues here and there for our girl.  Bus anxieties.  Peer issues all over the place!  Learning troubles, particularly with math.  Trouble respecting teachers and staff.  But then we had 3 pretty significant events.


Right before Halloween we had our first big incident in a long while.  During recess, Quiet Tiger and a handful of other girls were trying to one-up each other with scary stories.  Most seemed quite age-appropriate, but Quiet Tiger's were way too over the top.  She pointed to a particular man in a car in the school parking lot and proceeded to tell her friends that the man killed her twin sister and was threatening to kill the rest of the family.  She proceeded to tell them to watch his arm, because if he put his arm out the window of the car, it meant he was going to blow the school up.  She ended her tale by threatening her friends with a punch in the face if they told any teachers or school staff.

The smart kids spoke up and told the teacher.  I then got a phone call from the school.

A call like that with a story like that sends a mom into panic mode.  Such a horrifically twisted story made our girl sound like the handful of schizophrenic people who used to attend our church in Chicago that Jay had to interact with regularly as part of his security detail.

I called our primary care doc and had them document the whole thing in her chart.  I called her child psychiatrist and she wasn't able to see us for weeks.  I called our primary care doc back and asked for a referral to a new child psychiatrist and a child psychologist (trauma certified, preferably).  I called our insurance, then our ComPsych benefits division of our insurance.  An entire afternoon spent on the phone and scribbling notes of every conversation I had, documenting everything.

Within a few days we were in a new psychiatrist's office.  Upon hearing our history and current status, she was quick to get our daughter on Lexapro to help level Lauren's moods and anxieties.  She also prescribed 2 sleep meds.  For the first time in SEVEN YEARS, I finally had a doc listen to me, watch the security cam video and agree that my daughter wasn't sleeping.  So we left with Clonidine to get her to sleep and Trazodone to help her stay asleep.  In the months that followed, we tweaked dosages with regular monthly psychiatric visits.  And we also scheduled a NeuroPsych Evaluation with a PhD, trauma-informed Child Psychologist and waited for that appointment.

In the meantime, the school started documenting Lauren's behaviors on daily Check-In Sheets that all teachers would complete throughout the day.  I'd get to see the good days, the bad days, the in between.

Christmas was nice and peaceful and downright enjoyable with our girl.  Probably one of the most pleasant holidays we've had in years with our girl who typically gets very dysregulated during holidays.....


Then why on earth would she go to school and tell the teacher that her brothers beat her up over the holiday break?

I was at the office on a Thursday morning a couple weeks ago when Jay got a call on his cell phone from the county.  The gal from the county told him that the school alerted the county to a problem and they needed to speak with us.  Jay handed the phone to me.  Seems a boy in Lauren's class said something to a teacher about getting in a fight with siblings over the Christmas break.  In response, Lauren rose her hand and said her brothers beat her up over break.  The school called the county to report it.

Mortified!  I began shaking and furious, full-on Mama Bear out to protect her boys.

I told Lauren's backstory to the gal from the county.  I told her about our past psychiatrist, new psychiatrist, psychologist we were still waiting on for testing, meds we had given her in the past, meds we were giving currently.  I told her the diagnoses we know:  Reactive Attachment Disorder, PTSD and Anxiety.  She immediately understood where I was coming from.  She was familiar with the unique needs of children adopted internationally from orphanages.  She was familiar with trauma, attachment, neglect, even issues while in utero!  I felt much more at ease.  She assured me that no CPS investigation would be held.  And she asked how the county could help us.  She agreed that there is little professional help out there that works for kids like mine.  She was kind and gracious.

But Mama Bear ran right out and bought another security camera for our main floor.  We had to have a camera on our girl in the house in order to protect ourselves from her lies.

A few days after that, Lauren and Jay were talking one night after dinner.  I was avoiding conversation, hiding behind my laptop as I absentmindedly browsed Pinterest.  I cannot recall how they got on the subject, but Lauren started telling the story of a book she had read over the summer called The Terrible Truth About Third Grade.  The main character thinks her life, her town, her school, the people around her are all boring.  She decides to make life more interesting by telling lie, after lie, after lie.  I cringed thinking my daughter was acting out what she had read in the book.  After putting her to bed that very night, I blitzed through the book (it was in our basement) and sadly, there wasn't much redeeming value at the end of the book, no remorse for her lies, no lesson learned.  UGH!  It was all starting to make sense.   But it all seemed so.....

highly abnormal!

We had our NeuroPsych testing on Martin Luther King Day.  We miraculously got squeezed in and insurance pushed through their approval in days, as opposed to weeks.  Lauren was wild, unruly, rude and disrespectful to the doctor.  She sighed, rolled her eyes, was non-compliant, all out embarrassing for any mom to hear.  But it was Lauren showing her colors..... to a complete stranger, a professional.


The doctor came out to me in the lobby and the first thing she said to me is, "Brooke, how are you doing this?"  Lauren exhausted her.  We spoke for about an hour, getting a refresher about how severe malnutrition in the first 2 years of life damages a growing baby's brain -- permanently.  For so long we had been working on attachment, thinking RAD was our main issue, one that could be overcome.  I had put the food issues aside.  This reminder of possible permanent damage sobered me.  I left with the hopes of results somewhere within 30-60 days.  We're still waiting.

That leads us to this past week.


On Wednesday this week I got a call from the school at approximately 2:40pm.  Lauren had refused to get on the bus to come home and I had to go pick her up.  I figured it was just her having bus issues again and wanting to control mom and make me come get her.  I had been in mismatched yoga pants and long sleeved T because I had been feeling lousy that day and intended on doing homeschool with Ethan and cleaning house.  No need for presentable clothes or make-up for a mom not leaving her house that day.  But I went to pick up Lauren thinking she'd be waiting by the flag pole or would be walked out to the curb and I wouldn't have to go inside and see anyone.  I called my friend Hilary on the way because she had called me earlier in the day and I couldn't take her phone call.  So I returned her call while I was driving the 20 minutes to the school and told her what was up.

I got into the parking lot, said good bye to Hilary and realized that there was no Lauren outside, so I had to go into the school looking like something the cat dragged in.  Worse, actually.  No Lauren to be seen.  I was taken into the Executive Director's office where we made introductions and I was asked to tell a bit of Lauren's story.  I was baffled why this was happening.  We also discussed the IEP process which we've had in process since right before Christmas break.  The conversation ended 15 minutes later or so and we went to get Lauren.

But she wasn't in the conference room where I was told she'd be.  Instead I saw the floor with her jacket, shoes and backpack all over the floor, scattered.  What on earth was going on?  The 504 Coordinator came out and told me of an incident on the playground at recess.  Seems Lauren and her friends had a game they were making up and the other girls went to the monkey bars.  Being limb different, Lauren hasn't figured out how to adapt to monkey bars.  That set her off.  The rest of the afternoon she had a bad day at school.  It ate at her.  And when it came time for dismissal, she started yelling and screaming and carrying on loudly, in front of peers, teachers and staff, screaming that she was not getting on the bus and that no one could make her.

Well, true.  The school couldn't pick her up and plop her in a bus seat. 

They took her inside where they hoped to calm her down, but she only escalated to rage mode.

After I heard the story I was shown to the school counselor's office where Lauren had backed herself into a corner.  She gave me a weird look and asked me what I was doing there.  I told her I was there to take her home.  She refused to go with me, insisting she'd stay at the school.  The counselor and I both said that wasn't an option.  We began to hear ridiculous stories about how she could hide in a garbage can and no one would know and skunks and bears would come and you know how bears kill people, mom. 

Ranting, raving, lunatic.  To put it nicely.

I'm only guessing here because time was not a concept I could comprehend in that moment, but after maybe 15-20 minutes of getting nowhere, the 504 gal and the teacher brought me out to the school lobby again.  All were baffled.  After a breather, I went back in and tried to hold Lauren's hands and bring her out by walking with me.  She put on the skids and would not come with me.  At this point, I became afraid of touching her.  I may be 5-foot 3, but I can still pick up my girl and throw her over my shoulder and get her where she needs to be.  But this was the school that reported my boys to the county.  I was afraid to touch my own daughter in that moment because I couldn't trust the school.  We tried talking over and over again, 20-30 more minutes.  Everything she said was agitated, ranting, senseless, irrational.  One minute she'd rant, then the next she'd pick up a toy off the counselor's desk and would start baby talking about it.  I got another break and at that point, I picked up a school phone and called my husband.  Thinking my trip into the school would be a fast one, I had left my purse and phone locked in my car.  Jay didn't recognize the school number so he declined the call and I called his office to talk to his assistant.  Amy told me she'd reach him and tell him Lauren was having a mental health crisis and that I needed to talk to him.  I then ran to my car for my phone and purse.  On my way back inside, I posted, "PRAY NOW" on my Facebook page.  Maybe it was inappropriate of me to be on Facebook when my daughter was acting like a raving lunatic, but I needed prayer.  I also saw that Hilary had texted me to see if all was okay.  When I didn't respond, she texted Carson who was back home.  When she learned I wasn't home yet, she became concerned.  I texted her back just when I got back inside when the 504 gal was asked to call 911.  Lauren started ranting about wanting to kill herself, knew where the knives were in the house, how she'd climb up to get them, how everyone in the world wanted her dead, how we never should have adopted her, how everyone hated her, how she would run off into the woods and die.  You name it, she said it.

The school had no choice but to call the authorities.

The Wright County Sheriff arrived.  He had been through this with teens, but not so much a 9 year old.  He tried everything the school counselor had tried.  I swear, they were trained by the same organization!  Almost verbatim, their words, their questions, their responses were identical.  But Lauren refused to go to the officer.  Whose 9 year old child is a complete belligerent jerk to a police officer?  MINE.

O..... M...... G.

Jay called me and told me he was on his way from a meeting about half hour away.  The ambulance arrived and pulled up right in front of the counselor's office window.  Lauren watched and started asking questions.  Everyone told her that if she didn't go home with me, she'd be forced to go to the hospital in the ambulance.  She didn't want either option.  She told everyone in the room, teacher, 504 coordinator, school counselor, sheriff, and me that we didn't want to help her, we couldn't help her, no one could help her and she didn't want help from anyone.  Raving mad.  Over and over again.  The officer held off the medics, hoping he could still talk her out of the corner of the office and get her to go with me.

Jay arrived shortly after 4:30.  Keep in mind, school dismissal is 2:30.  So we were 2+ hours into this by now.  As I watched Jay walking in, I thought I could use that as motivation to get her out of the office and up to the lobby to meet Jay.  After all, the school's front door would be locked and we'd have to let him in.  With a little bit of refusal, she eventually came out.  Then the conversation, the circles, the craziness continued for Jay.  I let him try to talk her down.

Then Hilary arrived.  She had seen my text about the 911 call while she was in mid-dinner prep, turned off her stove and drove over.  I excused myself from the drama and went out to hug her neck and sob on her shoulder.  The 504 gal followed me.  Seemed Lauren was curious why I was outside crying, that's what the gal told me.  Around 5:15, Jay had picked Lauren up and with the help of the officer, carried her to his truck.  She kicked off her boots and fought the seat belt.  Jay removed any possible projectile objects from the back seat.

THREE HOURS after school was dismissed and she was finally leaving.  And we were all exhausted.  I stood in the parking lot with Hilary and we cried some more, swore plenty (including a few F-bombs from your's truly -- not sorry!), and I drove home in my car.

The girl was screaming at Jay in the living room when I arrived and went upstairs to a quiet room to call a triage nurse at our psychiatrist's office.  The decision was made that if she became violent or said more words about death or suicide, we'd drive her to the ER immediately.  But she calmed down.  Considerably.  We ate dinner and put her to bed with her meds.

Thursday, I was supposed to be at the office, but I stayed home, as did Lauren, and I spent all morning on the phone with docs' offices, insurance, ComPsych, and multiple hospitals trying to find out what to do because I had learned that our regular psych was out of the office all week.  Our girl needed to be seen and I needed to know where to take her, what was in network, and if I needed any prior approval.

When Jay was home for the night, we took her to U of M downtown to have her undergo a psychiatric assessment.

And that's where the more consistent Facebook posts came in.  To wind down an already very long story....

  • She was a delight on the drive downtown.
  • We waited in the hallway to be seen by a nurse.
  • The nurse showed us to a room where she asked a few basic questions.
  • We waited a while and Lauren became anxious, but not manic.
  • We needed the crazy to show and that's ALL I prayed for -- THE CRAZY!
  • We were transferred to the Children's Psych Floor where we waited more.
  • Two hours here, two hours there.
  • We finally met the psych who only heard our story.
  • He said it was all behavioral and sent us home to follow up with our regular psych next week.
  • We got home just after 1am.
  • The girl did not sleep a wink even on the drive home.
  • I got her her bedtime meds and put her to bed.
  • We unpacked the info with the boys.
  • And bedtime for us came at 2am.

This is not good news friends.  This is NOT behavioral.  So not behavioral!  What part of this sounds like she's just having a behavioral meltdown?  She's a mess and something is not right in her brain.  At the Psych Ward, if you're not bat-s#*^ crazy, they send you home.  We knew that going in, and it was true for us too.  Sure, Lauren LOVED the attention, LOVED the control she had at the school by stealing 3 hours of everyone's afternoon, and zapping all our energy.  She even LOVED the hospital.

But this is so NOT behavioral!  This is a child who is so damaged, broken and in need of professional help.  Yet no one knows how to help us, or any families like ours.  We could spend hundreds, thousands, on doctors and therapies and get absolutely nowhere.  So....
  • We send Lauren to school on Monday and hope for the best.  I don't even know what to ask you to pray for.  But pray for the staff's energy and capacity to deal with her, no matter what she dishes out!
  • We go to our regular psych on Tuesday afternoon.  Pray she sees the desperate need for further intervention and has options for us!
  • We wait for the results of our NeuroPsych testing.  Pray they get here sooner than later, especially since the doc is busy and back-logged!  Results will give us more diagnoses and suggestions for any therapies that *might* help.
That's where we are.  We're tired.  We're exhausted.  She was great today at home though!  No surprise there (insert eye roll).  We have a work trip coming up in just a matter of days.  We need the getaway DESPERATELY and we'll talk to the doc on Tuesday about the feasibility of us going.  At the very least, I'll stay home and Jay will go.  But that will SUCK!  And I worry how bad it will look to leave a messed up girl home while mom and dad go off around the world again for another Edward Jones adventure.  But most of you don't live my life and I can't worry about what people think anymore.  I don't have time for that.

We need your support, your prayer and your love.

Thanks for being part of our prayer and support team.  Never in a million years did I think we'd ever find ourselves in a situation like this.  Never! 

We need our village now more than ever.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas 2019 -- Our Year in Review

We rang in the New Year quietly at home, trying my hand at a southern crawfish boil.  We survived the Arctic Blast of 2019 and experienced lows of -35F actual temps!  We were thankful for no issues like frozen pipes or a broken furnace during the blast.

Chinese New Year fell on February 7 and we welcomed The Year of the Pig.  Minnesota received record snowfalls in February, nearly burying us, but we our neighbor Mark dug us out every time.  At the end of the month, the entire family flew off to an Edward Jones Travel Award Program Trip and enjoyed a week in St. Lucia.  It was Super E's first time out of the US and Quiet Tiger's too since coming home from China.  Highlights were a catamaran ride on the Caribbean and zip lining though the rain forest.

March was a big month for the boys.  Super C started the classroom portion of Driver's Ed and Super E went off to his first youth group weekend retreat at the end of the month.

We stayed home for Spring Break and didn't do anything special for the week off.  Super C finished the classroom portion of Drivers Ed and began the Behind-The-Wheel portion.  The boys and I wrapped up the bulk of our 7th year of homeschooling.  And on the 30th, Super E turned 12 years old.  He's now officially taller that me too and he loves to rub my face in that fact.

May brought a major household project -- having a rotting exterior French door replaced with a sliding glass door.  May ended with Quiet Tiger's 7th Gotcha Day Anniversary.  We actually celebrated a bit this year, which I immediately regretted since the celebration is too much for her to handle.

Over Father's Day weekend we attended our annual Edward Jones Summer Regional up on Gull Lake in Brainerd.  Jay was recognized for his work with the Region's Leadership Team as well as winning the Eagle Award and the Jim McKenzie Award.  This was probably the most enjoyable Summer Regional yet, as our RAD daughter will often try to sabotage the big weekend away.  She actually did okay this time.  We ended June with our first trip to the cabin.  Thanks to the Polar Vortex, the water on Windigo was still quite cold and we only boated and jumped in the water to say we did it, but got out quickly.

We celebrated Independence Day at home with my brother and my mom and stepdad who came up from Chicagoland for the long weekend.  Quiet Tiger turned 9 years old on the 22nd.  Jay and I ran off for a quick overnight to see Jimmy Buffet in concert.  Quite the craziness with all those Parrotheads!  The highlight of July was our number 1 son being accepted to Northwestern University in St. Paul for PSEO (dual enrollment)  in the fall.  Our high school junior would be taking a full course load of college classes in the fall!

School started early this year for the boys.  We began early because we knew the next month would be slightly choppy for our school schedule.  Super E began 7th grade.  Super C started PSEO online as a high school junior.  Jay and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary on the 18th.

This has always been a whirlwind month for us.  High highs and low lows for us this year.  First of all, Quiet Tiger began 3rd grade, returning to the charter school she attended last year.  Both boys kicked up their schedules with church youth groups again.  Super C turned 16 years old on the 16th, making it his Golden Birthday.  Sadly, he didn't get his drivers license on his big day because he hadn't met the minimum of 6 months on his learners permit.   Then sadly, quickly, albeit not necessarily unexpectedly for an old dog, we had to put our beloved American Eskimo Juneau down and send him across the Rainbow Bridge.  And late that month, Jay and I escaped together to another earned TAP trip through Edward Jones and we enjoyed 2 days in Brisbane, Australia (at our expense and choosing) followed a week with fellow "Jonesies" in Bali!  Highlights were river rafting, our own plunge pool and the amazing views of Rodney Bay!

My pet sitting business slowed greatly this fall with clients passing dog care to their pre-teens, re-homing dogs, moving away, etc.  Hard to say good bye, but a lighter schedule felt good too.  Jay turned 47 on the 21st and I turned 45 on the 27th.  For Halloween, just Super E and Quiet Tiger decided to trick-or-treat.  Super C stayed in.  Quiet Tiger was BatGirl and Super E wore a "Scream" mask for Halloween this year.

Super C passed his drivers exam and earned his license!  Simultaneously, the old lemon of a minivan I had been driving for 9 years started acting up for me, but not our mechanic.  With a new teen driver, we decided it was not a safe, reliable car for our boy to be driving, so we replaced it with a 2008 Kia Sportage with Four Wheel Drive.  Super C loves sharing it with me but he continues to save for wheels of his own.  Thanksgiving was spent at home enjoying the quiet and a week off of school while gearing up for the busy holiday season ahead.

Holiday parties kept us busy early in December, both with event planning and hosting.  Jay ended the year with 7 years working for Edward Jones as well as climbing to a Level 7 Adviser.  Lucky 7's for Jay this year!  Christmas will find me busy with Rover clients who are traveling for the holiday.  But we will be home enjoying a quiet holiday in Minnesota and looking forward to 2020 adventures.

Carson (16), Ethan (12), Lauren (9)

Mack & Reese

Sending you much love and a 
very merry Christmas 
from our family to yours!

Luke 2: 8-14

Thursday, September 19, 2019

So Long, Juneau, my Juneau

I've had 5 American Eskimos in my life.  I know the breed as well as any breeder and better than many veterinarians.  There is no cuter puppy on the planet than an American Eskimo.  They top among the smartest breeds.  My pack over the years included: Nikon, the family dog of my youth.  Then my first Eskie of my own, Kodi that I got in Blaine, MN when I was in college.  Jay and I later rescued crazed Cozmo when we were engaged to be married.  Then came the brothers from the same litter, Juneau and Kenai when my boys were babies.

Yesterday I held my last Eskimo, my Juneau, in my arms as he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. 

He had a few chronic issues from bad teeth, to chronic ear infections, and lots of lumps and bumps and fatty tumors in his old age.  And he started refusing to go to the bathroom outside in the dog run.  When he gave me "the look" on Tuesday night, I knew it was time.

On Wednesday, September 18, 2019, around 4:00pm on my side deck overlooking our pond, Juneau crossed into the light over the Rainbow Bridge.

O, Juneau!  My, Juneau!  I loved you so!  You were a GREAT dog!  Go for a run now with your brother Kenai and your cousins Nikon, Kodi and Cozmo.  I hope it's snowing in Heaven, because you love nothing more than a fresh dumping of powder and cold winter temps.  And when its my turn to enter Heaven, I hope you are waiting for me at the door.  Goodbye, my boy.

I 'wuvs' ya, Juneau!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

My Fixer Upper -- Ethan's Bedroom Final Reveal

Yay!  It's done!  Only 1 bedroom to go.

Here's your original before shot of Super E's room, from the day we put an offer in on the home.

Those dang trophy shelves left the week we moved in, I think.  Oh, I hated those!

Super E's room became the "dog themed room" fairly quickly with Update #1 below

Update #1 was fresh paint, a grey beige color (Grant Beige from Benjamin Moore),
gorgeous wood-look tile floors and dog themed decor.
I also made the dog crate into a nightstand with a piece of wood that I upholstered with paw print fabric.

View #2 of my first room update.
I still LOVE the silhouettes of our dogs on the small wall next to the closet!

Here's the final, much brighter, cleaner, up to date look.....

White window framing and white baseboards.

The white closet doors and main door make me so happy!

All those doors took some serious time!  And I decided to do paint them in my basement.  Heat and humidity and the general dust in a garage just don't make it a great place for painting.

I will say that the bunk bed and the dresser have their original honey oak color.  I have no intention of painting those!  I figure in another year, the boy will want a full sized bed, so at that point, this awesome bunk will maybe go to the cabin (hopefully) or to another family.  Then we can decide what to do with the dresser.

Now all I have left is:

July:  Master bathroom trim, window and door
August:  Master bedroom trim, windows and doors
September/July:  Kids bathroom trim, cabinets and doors
August:  Super E's bedroom trim, windows and doors

September:  Quiet Tiger's bedroom trim, windows and doors

I'm excited to be done but want to push on so I can start making my way downstairs to the main level of the house.  One more bedroom to go!!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Fixer Upper - Upstairs Bathroom Final Reveal

Remember last fall when I was painting honey oak upstairs in the Master Bedroom?  Well, winter came, along with the Polar Vortex and with a running furnace, painting cabinetry and woodwork comes to a screeching halt because fumes are nasty and last for days.

I finished the deck this spring and while that was drying, I started on the final steps of the upstairs bathroom updates.

And to do this room, I finally had to break down and buy more primer and paint (last fall).  The master bed and bath held ZERO expenses for me (other than $2 for masking tape) because I had cans of both left over from a previous project - although I scraped the bottom of the paint can to finish those bedroom doors!

Here's your before from the day we first saw the house and submitted our offer:

Old linoleum, beige walls and honey oak galore.
Didn't look horrible, but it needed a face lift.

In the spring of last year I painted the room a light but bright green on a rainy weekend when I felt like a quick project.  It will be our only room with color on the upstairs.  Easy to change and quick to paint should we EVER [highly unlikely] decide to move from this place.

Update 1. Tile floors and light green paint.  
I liked the wall color, but didn't like how it paired
with the yellow tones of the honey oak.

The last week of September, I made an attempt to start the honey oak.  I painted the cabinet, baseboards and main door.  I hung a sheet up outside the door for privacy in the meantime.

Then the aforementioned winter halt.  Doors and drawers were stacked in my basement waiting for warmer temps to be painted outside in the garage.

But while waiting for my deck stain to cure this spring (72 hours per coat), I started on those drawers and cabinet doors out in the garage.  Now they are all done and reinstalled.

My upstairs bathroom is done!  Finally!  I hate leaving a project half undone for a mere reason of waiting on weather (ie, a running furnace).

As far as honey oak goes, I still have left:

July:  Master bathroom trim, window and door
August:  Master bedroom trim, windows and doors

September/June:  Kids bathroom trim, cabinet and door

July:  Ethan's bedroom trim, windows and doors
August:  Quiet Tiger's bedroom trim, windows and doors

The last 2 bedrooms bring me something new to paint.  Closet doors.  I fear those may take a lot more time and they will certainly require more space (they each have 2 accordion doors).  It may just take me longer than a month to get it all done.  At least we can live without closet doors for a while.

Fingers crossed!

Friday, June 28, 2019

My Fixer Upper - Deck 3.0

Ahhhhhh.  I have wanted this and worked for this for seemingly so long!  
My deck is finally refinished.

Here's what it looked like when we bought the house 4 years ago.
It has the Previous Owner's items out there.

Mr. Previous Owner did have it freshly stained for showings.  
It looked great.  But after a year, it all peeled.

Then in the Summer of 2017

my incredible mom refinished the deck 

while we were on a TAP trip.
Check out how cute Deck version 2.0 looked....

It looked so fresh and clean!  I loved it!  
But sadly, after 1 season, it too peeled.

Then we had to decide if it was time to just replace the deck boards 
with composite decking that would be maintenance-free.  
My thought was, if I can manage a full refinish, 
maybe I can save us the expense of all new boards.

It took me over a month thanks to a cooler and longer than normal Minnesota spring
to use a chemical stripper (temps needed to be above 65F for it to work).

After stripping, I power washed the deck and repainted the rails.  The rails were fine after my mom's paint job, but when I power washed, some paint flaked off, so it needed a full re-paint.

After power washing, I took the belt sander to the floor and 
tried to see if there was still some good wood underneath. 
If the wood is still young enough, it should, ideally, soak up the new stain and
should last for years!

 After weeks and weeks, battling cool temps and spring rains, 
plus many hours of drying time per coat of stain.....


Today Ethan and I moved furniture back in place.  
It needs flowers, but it may be too late to really enjoy that.  We'll see.
But Deck version 3.0 is ready to enjoy!
Now onto more projects in this 25 year old house!

(Coming soon in a week or 2 ... An upstairs bathroom update)