Friday, May 9, 2014

School's Out!

Today was our last day of school!  What a great year of homeschool! 

Super E started his 1st grade year barely reading.  He was still sounding out simple, 3-letter words.  This week he shocked me by reading a Level 3 Reader and rarely needing my help.  Reading still isn't his favorite subject, but he has done a super job!  His favorite subject this year was Science, with a particular fondness for his unit on Space.  We'll keep working hard on reading over the summer just to keep him challenged and hopefully instill in him a love of reading!  We'll also keep working on those important math facts!

Super C's 5th grade year highlight was probably his History book about the World Wars.  We had a great book with lots of internet links.  My boy definitely has an appreciation for our military!  Perhaps he'll go to the Air Force Academy like his Uncle Todd and Cousin Scott.  Super C also completed 2 years of math in 1 year!  He started out completing 5th grade very quickly and in late January he started 6th grade math.  He still has a few more lessons to complete and he'll have those done by the end of this month.  Next year, we have high hopes of completing both 7th and 8th grade math in 1 year.  Might as well keep him challenged.  That's the beauty of homeschool!  This summer C will keep a writing journal as I haven't been all too happy with the writing portion of our current curriculum.  He already has some fun fiction titles written down.  We thought of even starting a kids blog that your kids could follow.  Stay tuned.

Our co-op was really fun this year too.  Last year it was solely dedicated to weekly PE classes at our local park.  This year, participating moms rotated teaching the group on different subjects.  I had the privilege to teach about Chinese New Year in February and Limb Differences in April.  Both were very well received and I was really impressed with the group of kids we have in our co-op.  My kids have made some good friends who we see multiple times each week.  I'm getting to know the moms better too and that makes our weekly Tuesday gatherings all the better.  While our co-op has wrapped up for the year already (due to the increasing Texas heat outside), we still have our Year End Party on the calendar for the end of May that we're looking forward to.

The plan for next year is to absolutely continue homeschooling!  We'll keep using Sonlight Curriculum for our core and I'll switch to a different writing program for Super C.  One friend is again willing to lend me her used curriculum for 2nd grade and all I will have to look for is used 6th grade curriculum.  What a huge blessing that is to us!

And just so you know, our Quiet Tiger listens in on everything we've learned about this year.  Case in point, on our way into Walmart one day, she just blurted out a story about WWII without any prompting from me or the boys.  We weren't even discussing school at the moment, so I have no idea where it all came from.  She said, "Mom, in WWII, there was the Air Force and they flew in the sky and shot at people and they died.  And they were under water [she was referring to submarines] and they shot at people and they died too.  And we won."  That's a 3-year-old's take on World War II and I think that's pretty darn impressive!  One more funny, just because I can:  On our trip to Chicago over Easter, L insisted that she knew math.  So, Super C asks her what one plus one is and she answers, "2."  Then he asked her what 2 plus 2 is and her response was, "Math."  Yes, my girl, 2 plus 2 is math.  Too smart for her own good!

Our Quiet Tiger will begin some preschool activities at home in the fall but we'll also attend the ABC Club at our local library.  She is excited.

Great job this year, Super E and Super C (and Quiet Tiger too)!  I am so proud of you!

My boys with their certificates of completion!