Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines 628

I read an article once that said it takes an adopted child the same amount of time in the home as they spent in the orphanage for them to fully feel like a true family member.  My daughter, from the time she was found at about 8 weeks old, spent 20 months, plus a few days in an orphanage in China.

To be exact, she lived in the orphanage for 627 days.

Last week I was doing the math, accounted for leap year and realized that officially, as of today, our Quiet Tiger has been with us, in our care, in our family, longer than she lived in the orphanage.

Today, on Valentine's Day 2014, she has been in our family for 628 days.

The days have ranged from good, to awesome, to bad, to horrible and back around again.  Raising a child from a tough place is tough business.  Adoption is not for the faint of heart!

But I pray that as we continue to move forward, our Quiet Tiger will feel more and more like a member of our family, that the scars from her broken past will be completely healed and that she will be happy and proud to be in our family!