Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Called to Action

Friends, I have a story to share with you.  And while the beginning of this story is sad and hard to read and may make some of you mad honestly, I ask my followers to kindly stick with me and read this to the very end.

One of my very best friends in the whole wide world traveled to Chin@ a few months after I did and brought home her daughter M home from Southern Chin@.  She has been home for a year now and is thriving.  But something happened while they were there.

While my friend and her husband were there, they met a sweet baby girl from their daughter's orphanage who was later disrupted.  Disrupting an adoption means that an adoptive family declined to adopt a child after meeting said child in country.  I cannot imagine what an agonizing decision it must be to go through months, maybe years of paperwork and waiting, and tens of thousands of dollars spent on an international adoption, then traveling to meet the child in their home country, only to reject that child in country and return home childless.

It happens.

The family has their reasons.  I may or may not agree with their reasons.

But it happens.

Here is something many adoptive parents do not know (I didn't know it, my friend didn't know it):

Often times in Chin@, when a child is rejected and not adopted, that child is labeled "unadoptable."  When that happens, the child is denied the chance to thrive in a forever family, denied the chance at knowing safety, security, health, provision and love.  A disruption is seen as a failed adoption, a failure in the eyes of the Chin@ government and a failure that makes the orphanage look bad.

Remember, this does not happen in all Chin@ orphanages!  It does happen in some.  It did happen to this particular little girl.  And it's a shame.

In many cases, the only way a disrupted child can be adopted is if a family knows the child is there, has the necessary information on the child, and if the orphanage has a director who is willing to take the chance again and process the child's paperwork.

But how can a disrupted child be known if their paperwork is pulled from the Chin@ adoption system?

The child simply gets lost in the fold with no hope, no future.  Everything gets swept under the rug.

This is what happened to the sweet little girl in Chin@ that my friend met in person.  The rest of the story is theirs to tell and you can read their story at the link at the bottom of this blog post.

In the meantime, we are thrilled that our friends are stepping up to adopt this once disrupted child.  They cannot turn their back on a child who was rejected once by birth parents, then once again by adoptive parents.  They cannot let this child be swept under the rug and forgotten forever.  Because they met her and know her story, they have fought for her.  They have told Chin@ that they will adopt her and have asked the orphanage director to re-issue her paperwork into the Chin@ adoption program.

Now she has a hope and a future and an amazing family already in love with her and actively pursuing her with everything they have!  And here's where you come in, friends.

Like us, the family still has debt from their last adoption.  Yet they cannot quiet God's voice to adopt this next little one.  They need help - financial help - and they hate asking for money!

An anonymous donor has offered a MATCHING GRANT to help bring their daughter home!  From today until February 15 (that's precisely 1 month) this donor will match every donation, dollar-for-dollar up to $1000.

There is a link on the family's blog (link at the bottom) where you can donate.  And all your donations are tax deductible, per their fundraising website.

So please, prayerfully consider clicking the link below, read their story, share their story and find the link for "Adopt Together" to donate on the righthand side of their webpage.  If time is a constraint for you, I'll add the link to their direct donation page below as well.

I'll create my own ticker on the top of this blog in the days to come so we can track the progress of this matching grant, so check back for updates.  Does $5 make a difference?  Yes, you bet it does!

And above all, please pray for their sweet waiting daughter, their adoption process, and the entire family.

Let's bring their daughter home!

Sweet waiting girl in China.  Twice rejected.  Nearly lost forever and forgotten.
But now with hope and a future!

Read their story on the Family's Blog:  Hannah Joy Long

Donate immediately by clicking the Adopt Together Link:  Adopt Together - Marquis Family

Proverbs 24: 12

Don't excuse yourself saying, "Look, we didn't know."
For God understands all hearts, and he sees you.
He who guards your soul knows you knew.
He will repay all people as their actions deserve.

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