Thursday, January 17, 2013

Prayer Vigil for Lily

I'm writing to inform my readers that we need your help!  A friend of mine from not only the adoption community, but also our years growing up in Chicago needs prayers and support.

My friend Emily and her husband Jacques adopted TWO girls from China just 20 DAYS before I flew to China for our daughter L.  Their new daughter Lily is in the hospital struggling and fighting for her life over complication after complication after complication from her known heart defect.  The story is long and you can read their story by clicking here.

But before you click there, Emily and Jacques' small group have organized a prayer vigil outside their home tomorrow, Friday, January 18, 2013 at 6:30pm EST.

Emily's mom Karol (whom Jay and I worked with for many years at Willow Creek) is opening their Chicagoland home for prayer at the same time tomorrow night -- which is 5:30 CENTRAL time.

I don't have many friends here in Texas yet, but my home would be open as well -- also 5:30pm CST.

No matter where you are in the world, please STOP and PRAY for Lily.  Let's storm heaven for this tiny 3 year old girl who God brought home to these faithful parents who knew that challenges would lay ahead.  Pray as you feel led, but here are some suggestions:

  • Pray for Lily's restored health.
  • Pray for the doctors, nurses, specialists and the wisdom they need to proceed with Lily's care.
  • Pray for the family's strength, and for Emily who has been at the hospital 24/7 for 8 weeks during this most recent hospital stay.
  • Pray for Jacques and the 3 girls they have at home, LONGING for Lily to come home.
  • Pray for Emily's strength as she pregnant during this stressful time.
  • Pray for their mounting medical expenses (tax-free donations are accepted on their blog) 
  • Pray for grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and all family members supporting the family.
  • Pray for friends and neighbors and the church helping to support the family in their time of need.

Above all...
Pray for a miracle for Lily!

We are confident that we serve a Great God whose miracles have been documented over and over and over again.  We know He is the Mighty Healer, the Great Physician, the Almighty God who loves Lily and her family with more love than we can ever know on this earth.  We know that He is using her story for His glory.

Now all glory to God, who is able, 
through his mighty power at work within us, 
to accomplish infinitely more 
than we might ask or think.  
~ Ephesians 3:20 ~

We're praying for Lily!  Will you?

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