Friday, December 28, 2012

A Letter to Americans in the Russian Adoption Process

Dear Russian Adoption Families,

My heart is crushed for you today as we have all learned that Putin signed the agreement to stop US-Russian adoptions.  I am so very, very sorry!

On August 6, 2010 we lost our Nepal adoption due to the US State Department shutdown.  While we weren't matched with a child at that point (our dossier was only sent to Kathmandu 2 months prior), the loss was still a blunt punch in the stomach, a stinging slap in the face, a sharp knife in the heart, a soul shattered to bits.  I know that pain.  I know the pain of losing more than $10,000 invested.  I know the pain of losing the dream of a daughter in my home.  I know the anger over such ridiculous government decisions.  And I know the tears that flow.

Words that I write to you will not solve the problem or make the pain go away.  Yet I want you to know that the entire adoption community supports you and lifts you up in prayer.  I offer you my ear to hear your cries and I offer my shoulder to cry on.

In the days and weeks to come there will be much to process and there may be decisions that need to be made - decisions of "What do we do now?" "Do we give up?" "Is God telling us not to adopt?"  Your story is your story and I cannot answer those questions.  But God can and I know that He will answer in His time.

For us it was 3 months.  Three months of a gaping hole in our bank account, 3 months of "Maybe we're not supposed to adopt," three months of "Why would God allow this to happen to us?"

God isn't spiteful.  He didn't do this.  He fought for orphans - you and me.  He died for orphans - you and me.  Yes, He allowed this shutdown to happen and we may never know why until we meet Him face to face.  The fact is that the Russian government is not caring for their orphans as the Bible commands us to do.  The heart of man is sinful, evil.  It is the heart of man that shuts down countries like Kyrgyzstan, Guatemala, Nepal, Russia and so many others.

During this holiday season, be reminded that Immanuel was born - "God with us."  He is with us.  He is with you.

I know it might feel like He left the building.  Oh, I know that feeling all too well, friends!  All too well!

I have no doubt in my mind that the evil one will stop at nothing to keep the orphan living alone, without love, without food, without medicine, without family.  He tried to stop us and he didn't win.  We toughed it out, brushed ourselves off and limped and crawled through an adoption from China.  Our daughter has been home for 7 months.  And God provided every step of the way, every penny we needed at the exact moment we needed it.  Evil did not win.  God prevailed.  If you choose to go forward, you have our love and support.

But I don't want to get too far ahead.

For now, grieve, cry, scream to a trusted friend, reach out to someone who understands.  We weep with those who weep.  We mourn with those who mourn.  I wish you didn't have this awful burden on you, but we will humbly help you carry the load.

With Sadness and Love,


1 comment:

  1. such a beautiful post. I just last night hear about this horrible news. my heart goes out to you and others affected by this. God bless
