Thursday, September 20, 2012

Introducing Brooke's Best

The day I joined Pinterest I thought I was crazy.  I mean, who has time for one more thing?  Who needs one more mindless activity to consume our time on the web?

True confession:  I love it!  I often enjoy browsing after the kids are in bed and Jay and I are relaxing with a show on TV.  It's kind of my "me activity," something I do for myself to relax after a long day with the kids.  I know a lot of you might not have time or even interest in Pinterest.  That was me.  But I will say you are missing out on some fun stuff!

After months and months on Pinterest I found myself doing nothing with any of my pins.  Absolutely nothing.  I just pinned and left it alone.  After a while, that bugged me because if I wasn't doing anything with my pins, then I really was just wasting my time.  After a few months haitus due to life and a little trip to China, I have attempted to try one pin a week, be it a recipe, a home schooling activity, a cleaning product, etc.

So now my blog is going to have a little added feature that I'm calling Brooke's Best.  It's my best Pinterest pins that I have personally tried.  I'll give you the direct link to the pin's website (not my Pinterest board in case you don't want to join), my rating, any pros and cons, likes or dislikes, or tweaks or changes.  I'll try to categorize my blog pages here on the tabs above and it would be my goal to keep up with the 1 new pin a week and then blogging about it.  Have a question about something I blog about and you can just leave a comment on that page and I'll get back to you [hopefully] with an answer.

I hope you enjoy Brooke's Best.